View Full Version : BC Interior Herpers Club

11-07-04, 12:22 AM
We will be holding our first informal meeting Friday December 3rd at 7 PM, in Kamloops BC, at the North Shore Wendy's.
PM me here for more info and/or directions.

We are a community-based club for peopl e who enjoy keeping and raising reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. We meet once per month to discuss various issues, from feeding to breeding, as well as by-laws and bans.
It is our hope to helo educate and inform people about the pleasures of keeping herps and the importance of conservation.
Bring your knowledge and your experiences for a great evening of herpetological conversation!

We will be collecting emails to keep an updated list of members for comments/questions/etc. We will also have a mailing list starting Spring 2005. Brochures will be available to those who attend regarding membership, and people can bring suggestions and volunteer to help out.

Thanks for reading and hope to see some of you there!