View Full Version : third eyelid?

11-04-04, 05:45 PM
Hey there

i was bathing my beardies the other day. Well they are still getting used to the whole water thing, so they dont do much, but sit there. But one time, one of the beardies stuck her head under water and made a swim like movement (was a pretty funny sight). It lastest a mere 2 seconds or so, but when she lifted up her head, i saw a weird thing. It looked like she closed a third eye lid or something. I never read or heard anything about beardies having a third eyelid. So, do beardies have a third eyelid, or were my eyes playing tricks on me?
Any input is welcomed
Greetz Daan

11-11-04, 09:28 PM
They only have the 2 obvious eyelids...too many drugs? :)

Mystic Lizzards
11-15-04, 12:14 AM
do you mean the one on the top of it's head, it sences day light

11-15-04, 10:20 AM
Some animals do have a 3rd eyelid, but I don't know about B-d's. It would make sense for them to have them, keeps the blowing sand out and yet still allow them to see.

11-15-04, 01:03 PM
Well i just have to keep my eyes open and watch closer. Maybe try to snap a pic of it..........................which will be a hell of a job :p
Anyways, if i manage to see/photograph something, ill post it
And thanks for the replies :)
Greetz Daan

11-18-04, 05:58 PM
Whats that about the thing on the top of the head? I have noticed that and wondered about it in the past. Is there an article i could read about this?


11-19-04, 12:59 AM
Wait till you see the bulging eye thing, WOW is that creepy the first time you see it.


11-21-04, 03:51 AM
the thing on top of their heads is supossed to be some kind of "eye", so they can notice predators up in the air. Thats why its better, when you pic your beardie up, to go in from the front. Or something like that. Cant help you on an article though
And yeah........the eye bulging thing is the bomb, they look like total freaks when they do that...........its great :D
Greetz Daan