View Full Version : Uro Help

11-01-04, 08:01 PM
Hey, I've just got a question about my Mali Uro, He gets this white film around his nostrils everyonce in awhile, i was just wondering if that happens alot, and is it normal? and he also seems to be hiding alot, I think it might be brumation, but i keep the lights and heat on more than I keep the night light on. I'm also new here. so, Hello to eveyone!

11-02-04, 12:50 AM
That is the Uro extracting sugars from the veggies. Its totally normal, and when I used to see it was kinda building up to much id just wipe it away, but there isnt really a need for it :)

If hes sleeping to much, maybe your temps are low. They do need about 120 to be good. Whats your temps at?

11-02-04, 09:25 AM
thanks. yea, my temps are pretty low, its about 95, and drops to 75 at night. i think ill get a low watt ceramic heat lamp. do you know of any good fruits i could feed him? i heard peaches and apricots, but im not sure. also. i put calcium powder on his veggies yesterday, and it looked like he threw up in his dish, it mightve been my beardie though, but i dont think so. thanks again

11-02-04, 11:23 AM
Are you keeping them together? I would seperate them immediatly if you are. They come from different countries and there husbandry is not really similar, plus they can have parasites that one is immune to but the other is not.

Either way, its best to never mix species in the same enclosure.

As for diet, dark leafy greens are the best. So collard, mustard, bok choy, etc. Dont feed letus as there is no nutrients at all in them. The only fruits I ever used to feed my uro were grapes, but he didnt really seem to even like them.

11-02-04, 02:31 PM
Please feed mostly dark leafy greens, as Bartman said. Look at www.deerfernfarms.com to find a really good caresheet. Your basking spot for a uro must be around 120F with a hot end at about 95-100F and a cool end around 80F, and tons of hides.

I'm almost positive that those temps are way too hot for a beardie, so get those two seperated immediately! You'll also need a really large cage for the mali, as they need the space to run, or may not bother coming out of their hides. 4' x 2' is good.

I've never seen one of my lizards re-gurge so I'm not sure what it would look like. If you suspect that, I'd get it to the vet AT ONCE, as this is not something I've even ever heard of uros doing (again, no experience with beardies though).

Please don't hesitate to ask as many questions as you have! Lets get your babies strong and healthy!!!


11-02-04, 06:29 PM
keeping a beardie with anything will end in death.
beardies have a natural coccidia in their feces that is toxic to other herps. I'd seperate them asap.

11-02-04, 08:01 PM
uh ho... ive got no place for my beardie. but i heard that from someone, that its okay to have a beardie and a uro together. she had them together for years. so im not sure, i clean the feces whenever i see it. but i dont know, this sucks, i dont know what to do now.

11-02-04, 08:38 PM
Buy a new enclosure. You could try and find something to temporally house them for the mean time.

11-03-04, 06:23 AM
rubbermaid & heat lamp cost = under 25$, good temporary fix.