View Full Version : mould and phantasitcus

10-31-04, 08:54 PM
I recently picked up a piar of u. phantasticus. my trouble is after about 4 days or so I discovered mould/mildew growing on some bamboo branches I picked up a home depot.
the satanics are in spearate tanks furnished with the same materials.

naturally I removed and cleaned everything, and changed the substrate as soon as I saw it. I also did not put the bamboo sticks back in.

has anyone else had this problem with specied that require high humidity?

what did you do about it?

how did you keep it from coming back?

10-31-04, 09:45 PM
Unfortunetly mold will form when you have the proper humidity but too much moisture! It's tough to keep away the mold try letting the tank dry out a bit before repeating a mist. Don't let the coco fiber get to saturated. It won't hurt your phants to have a daily humidity drop. If you are still having trouble pick out the molded spots and their waste before it starts turn. The mold will encourage you to clean their tanks more frequently, lol

10-31-04, 09:58 PM
Dead bamboo is lousy for high humidity environments... as you just found out.:p Stick to corkbark, ghostwood is great if you can find it. I use live plants for my phantasticus, when they were in quarantine I used hydroponic "creeping jew" cuttings. That type of plant is excellent for providing climbing surfaces, just root it somewhere near the top of the enclosure and it will spread out/down, creating pathways just like a network of bamboo branches. I kind of got sidetracked there, but my point is that live plants make great climbing surfaces and maintain humidity without having to over spray the enclosure.
Btw, have you taken your phantasticus for parasite work-ups yet?