View Full Version : ***Blizzard Warning***

10-31-04, 11:47 AM
Vanan saw Mark IsBell's ad for an adult proven blizzard, so he emailed Mark, to get some info. Upon coming home, I emailed Mark myself and he sent pics of a beauty blizz. Then to top it off, he had to post pics of the snake to make me squirm!

Naturally, a male blizz is a have to get snake. So I got him!

Here he is in his glory!

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/silicone2.jpg">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/silicone.jpg">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/siliconeface.jpg">

Is this snake ever beautiful. I'm so excited about this guy. Silica is approaching six years and has only just bred for the first time this season.

I don't know what it is about blizz, but are they ever small compared to other corns.

Here are some horrible pics of Silica, who is in my opinion even more gorgeous than Silicone :p

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/silicabod.jpg">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/silicaflash.jpg">

I hope to get lucky next season with these two.

10-31-04, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Katt
I hope to get lucky next season with these two.

Me too! If you do, let me know. ;)

Gorgeous snakes, Katt! :)

10-31-04, 12:48 PM
Very lovely pair - I actually like the male a lot!! I must be getting used to the yellow accents.

My male blizzard is actually one of my bigger corns - he even plumped up this summer from indulging on rats. In the last month he has put some length with that and must be getting up to 4 feet.

Best of luck with breeding this pair next spring - hope there will be a regular storm of them next summer!

mary v.

10-31-04, 01:40 PM
Has he bit ya yet Katt or is it just my blood he likes LOL Great pics Mark

10-31-04, 01:57 PM
HAHAHA.... when Vanan and I picked him up, he looked at us like we were a fricken buffet! Lovely snake though. Remember Katt - me first for babies!!

10-31-04, 02:29 PM
Actually, Silicone has shown me no aggression whatsoever. I handle him no problemo.

I think you people are chickens.

10-31-04, 09:00 PM
Ya right LOL He struck at me a couple of times at the show & was super flighty. He was all pissy & hissy as soon as I got him home. 1rst day bit me immediately because I of course just laughed at his antics being a Corn & grabbed him. I then decided to take him a little more seriously & he tried to bite me 2 or 3 more times right away & just about every day after that. Daily cleaning usually involved him hanging from his tail striking at me more often than not. He would then finally coil my hand & hiss/strike from there. He is the only Corn I ever had that I considered possibly mean LOL He definitely didn't like me & was very nervous. Maybe there is something in the air/water at my house that you Scratchmeone folks are lacking : ) The overpowering aroma of Womas put fear in his heart LOL When I told Vanan to warn ya he laughed & stated that he wouldn't tell you, but would let you find out for yourself Heh Heh I guess you "foiled" our plans LOL (Sorry Vanan LOL) Glad he likes you & you him, Mark
P.S. I can't speak for Ken though Heh Heh ; )

10-31-04, 11:35 PM
No kiddin Mark! Stupid guy didn't act accordingly. Maybe it's just the Calgary air. ;) Don't worry msn, I can vouch for his ex-meanness. Never had a snake give me the look he gave me when you first opened his tub. He was staring at me straight into my eyes with his head cocked to the side a lil. Freakiest look I've ever got from a snake. :p

10-31-04, 11:43 PM

buck buck bukah!

Whatever you sissy's. I have handled this guy no problem, in fact I even demonstrated to Vanan just now how nice he is. Perhaps you were keeping him too warm? I have noticed snakes kept too warm get kinda grouchy (somewhat like Vanan actually :p)

Maybe he'll show himself in time. As it is, he's a very nice snake and he has made no move to bite me. Even when grabbing his neck.

11-01-04, 01:35 AM
I hope you get bit now, just for calling me a chicken. And I hope it bleeds. A lot. :P

11-01-04, 07:28 AM
NIce Snake and Nice Color....

11-01-04, 03:03 PM
Better be nice Katt or next time you need help "unattaching a snake" from yourself I might just leave it there Heh Heh Mark : )
P.S. Ken when he got me it did bleed alot, so theres hope LOL

11-01-04, 03:05 PM
I should note that Matt his previous owner also said that he never tried to bite him once ever, so it must just be me. I had a Rosy Boa once briefly that would bite me every time I picked it up. I could hand it to anyone & it would be fine but as soon as it knew I had it, it would bite me every single time. The previous owner said it had never bitten anyone prior to me (he had it from a baby). The girls at the petstore found this quite humourous as it bit me 3 times when I sold it to them. Once when I took it out, once when the first girl handed it back & then again when the second girl handed it back. Mark :rolleyes:

11-01-04, 07:17 PM
Sorry Mark, I worship you and the spatula.

Must be males or something, b/c even today I poked him to get a response, nothing.

Guess he knows who loves him!

Strange how snakes pick their favourites.