View Full Version : Beardie genetic morphology?

10-28-04, 02:10 PM
I am wondering if anybody can tell me whether there is a site, or any recommended book I can read that can tell me more about Pogona vitticeps genetic colour morphology. I have read many sites that discuss basic mendelian genetics as pertaining to snake and leopard gecko morph breeds, but I am unsure if these pertain to a bearded dragon. Is it the same for beardies. It seems too simple. How many alleles are involved in beardie colouration? I just find it hard to believe it is this simple, and I am certainly interested in knowing all I can.

I have a normal phase beardie, that shows incredible yellow colouration, does this mean she is actually normal phase? How are colour phases determined and created - just by visual phenotype assessment?

Hope some well informed enthusiasts can clarify this for me, I'm so confused!

Thanks in advance!

Capital Dragons
10-28-04, 07:39 PM
Well I can PM you a link to a site that has a very active bearded dragon forum. You can search for any topic and it really is a great forum… Due to this sites rules I can’t post the link but if anyone would like the link feel free to email me @ tdalyn215@ rogers.com

Here is one of my recessive Hypomelanistic dragons. He is an amazing morph! He has no black pigment at all and he has crystal clear nails.

11-11-04, 09:32 PM
If an animal like that beardie, that has no black pigment, does their little territorial threat display which would normally change the colour of their beard from a light tan colour to jet black, what happens in terms of colouration???