View Full Version : Humid Hide for Leos

10-26-04, 09:30 AM
I am in the process of building some humid hides for my leos. I am going to follow these directions:


but I have questions concerning the substrate. The above article suggests using sphagnum moss. However, this article:


suggests using either:

* Sphagnum moss.
* Peat moss.
* Sheet moss.
* Sand and vermiculite mixture (for older leopard geckos).
* Vermiculite in a mesh bag (so gecko does not eat the vermiculite).

I am leaning towards peat moss. Is there a strong case to be made for one type of substrate over another? I am interested in what other people have tried and what has worked for them.


10-26-04, 09:45 AM
I use peat, cocofiber or a mix of the two in all the humid hides. They hold humidity very well, make great substrate for laying boxes, and they're fine enough not to cause impaction. The slight acidic pH of peat helps control fungus and mold. What more could I ask?

10-26-04, 01:11 PM
I use peat moss. I used to use vermiculite, but one of my leo's likes to eat it. So I switched to peat moss. It works for me.

10-26-04, 06:56 PM
Thanks for the feedback.

I have decided to go with peat moss. I didn't realize that it would also help to reduce fungus and mold. That is certainly good news :)

How often do you guys change the moss?


10-26-04, 07:45 PM
I change it probably a couple times a month. Each time I do a total cage cleaning.