View Full Version : Newbie from Canada

10-26-04, 07:43 AM
HI everyone! :D I'm Lee, and I was invited here a long time ago by another member. :o But I'm here now, cute forum! I don't own any snakes, and as long as I live with a roomate who is snakephobic, has a puppy and an overly curious cat, then I'll probably not have one for awhile. I do have two tarantulas though, my cute little Pinktoe, Elfie' and my Zebra, 'Aphy', and they make up the majority of my 'exotic' pet collection. *if you don't count my Begoth's Figures :p)

Its nice to meet everyone! Can't wait to start going through all the boards and reading all the info about snakes! :w


10-26-04, 07:54 AM
Welcome to the site, I'm sure you'll find your way to the invertebrate forum in no time.


10-26-04, 08:20 AM
Welcome to ssnakess!

10-26-04, 02:51 PM
Welcome to the site!

Asian Jon
10-26-04, 09:23 PM

11-15-04, 09:14 AM
Belated greets to a local person :D. I know that since the exotic ban is in Windsor and some local areas that herp enthusiasts are "underground " but they are out there and it is nice to see one on this site.
One good thing about reading and participating on this site, you will be well informed when you may be able to get a snake in the future. So you got that going for you;)

11-15-04, 01:13 PM
Hello and welcome!