View Full Version : OMG! Found ticks!!! HELP!

10-25-04, 10:41 PM
After trying to find out why my female BP has been in the water frequently these past few days, i finally found the culprit. I took my Bp, looked closely and carefully under a light. I found something but wasn't sure if it was part of my snakes scale. i took tweezers to check. I saw it moving and was tucked under a scale. I took that damm tick off and burned it. So far i got 3.

I researched and found that Nix was a good treatment. For anyone who has gotten rid of ticks. Is nix good? or what else is better? What process should i go by using nix?

The ticks could be the reason why my BP also refused a meal right? or ticks dont really effect a Bp's eating

10-25-04, 11:08 PM

10-25-04, 11:23 PM
as far as I knew, NIX was really good for mites, but ticks I think can just be picked off, and as long as everything is disinfected and cleaned after the snakes shed it should be okay....

10-26-04, 10:16 AM
isn't there a strip you can buy at home depot to get rid of ticks and mites. I can't remember the name of it, but it worked for me when I had my boas.

10-26-04, 10:31 AM
thanks justin and brutus for your replies. Il stop by home depot and check on that. Anymore suggestions?

10-26-04, 10:50 AM
Ticks reproduce very slowly.. I wouldn't use any poisons... just pull them off as you find them.. no big deal... Not half the worry mites are which spread like wildfire.
So, I assume you knew your BP was A Togo import?

10-26-04, 11:18 AM
I think its called a vapona pest strip, maybe it was for mites and not icks, read the back and see for sure, its been a couple of years.

10-26-04, 12:04 PM
Put some mineral oil on the tick and then gently pull the tick out. If you think you hurt the snake at all put some polysporin on the tick site.


10-26-04, 12:08 PM
Also you can't just throw a whole vapona strip in with your snake. You will kill your snake. Depending on the size of your enclosure you will need to use the right size piece. Also the snake can't be able to directly touch the vapona, so you will have to put it in a film case with some holes drilled into it.


10-26-04, 02:02 PM
I got my Adult BP at a reptile show. Im guessing shes also an import. She seems healthy weight wise though but she hasnt eaten since i got her at the show. THe person told me she ate 2 weeks ago also. Il try oil and petrolum jelly trick first. Then try NIX or provent a mite/

10-26-04, 02:08 PM
If all you have is ticks, dont treat for mites (provent a mite and NIX). Have you got mites as well? Ticks can be removed and destroyed easily enough without chemicals.

10-26-04, 02:42 PM
Never mind the vapona or nix. Either not used right can harm your snake. Follow Uncle Roy's advice and you'll be fine. He was breeding balls before some of you were born, so you can trust him.
My only advice would be to rub the tick with a q-tip soaked with rubbing alchool to soften it up. I've read that sometimes the head breaks off and stays under the scale and can cause an infection.
Also like Roy said ticks are indicative of a wild caught fresh import. I would suggest you get it to the vet and have it treated for internal paracites too. It probably didn't eat because it is stressed out. It may have also started it's winter fast.

10-26-04, 03:25 PM
I agree. Listen to Roy Stockwell.

There is no need for chemicals or stripes for ticks. You simply remove them as you find them.

And like others mentioned, ticks mean WILD caught snake.


10-26-04, 05:19 PM
Thanks for the good advice guys and gals. I found 3 more ticks today. 1 under the belly. And two where the snake poops?. I dont know the term for that place but i cant believe i found 2 ticks there. Im gettin so pist off now. Im going to search around for a vet around here that has experience with reptiles. Can anyone give me an estimate on how much to remove these ticks or a check-up is going to cost me?