View Full Version : Baby beardie and Emerald Swift-housing together?

10-25-04, 06:40 PM
We just got our 3 rd beardie today and it is so little! Also, my son got an Emerald Swift that is a little larger than the beardie.The guy at the pet store said that we can house them together, but I am weary of leaving in them in there together.( This guy also tried to tell me that beardies do not have calcium problems at times too-we just had one pass away yesterday after a long fight with calcium problems)Does anyone know if the little beardied will be alright in there with the Swift?:confused:
If not, would it be safe in with one of my other beardies?Then beardie that I would be putting it in with took a good taste of the little one earlier today,but did not hurt it.
All help is welcome and appreciated :) thanks!

10-25-04, 06:47 PM
They live in different parts of the world and have totally different housing needs. Do yourself a favour and don't listen to the pet shop guy. Find out for yourself buy reading as many care sheets on each as you can.

10-25-04, 06:50 PM
That is what my gut was telling me ;) - Now how do i get these 2 beardies to get along?I have one female that is about 10 months old and this is just a teenie baby about 4 or 5 inches long...am I going to need another tank? ( my husband will kick my rear end lol)

10-25-04, 06:53 PM
If it was me I would put it in another tank. Your beardie will almost certainly lose the tip of it's tail soon.

10-25-04, 06:54 PM
Will do...thanks so much :) By the way...nice forums here :) will definitely be in here from time to time!

10-25-04, 07:18 PM
Ah yes! Welcome aboard!
I wasn't really much help. What I would do if I was you would be to read care sheets and articles on their natural history, where they come from the habitat the live in, that sort of thing. There are also lots of great beardie books out there too.

10-26-04, 10:43 AM
Hey, welcome to the forums.

definitely keep the 4-5 incher away from the 10 incher.
keep the swift away from the beardie

for a great care sheet on beardeds and many other herps, check out www.anapsid.org
any other questions feel free to ask away in here, or you can email/pm me personally if you like.

10-26-04, 11:20 AM
Don't house beardies with any other species.

beardies have a natural coccidia in their feces that is considered toxic to any other lizard. You would find your swift dead very quick. With that being said, enjoy your lizards :)