View Full Version : Concern for my BCI

Mark Jones
10-24-04, 04:25 PM
I'm kinda concerned over my BCI. She was fed 2 1/2 days ago and has not been out of her enclosure since. I wanted to allow her time to digest. Took her out today while I re-configured stuff in the tank and took her outside for some sunshine. (We're still in the mid-80's down here in Mobile...)

While outside I noticed her repeatedly opening her mouth and on three occasions she blew bubbles with the thick sputum in her mouth. The 'clicking' when breathing I noted eariler with this snake was more pronounced. I brought her back inside and go a close look at her mouth. Some rather thick sputum is evident. There is no obvious damage anywhere, though her lower jaw seems slightly out of alignment - drooping slightly to her left. She is still very active and curious and very well mannered. Shows NO aggression what-so-ever. After about 20 minutes of slithering through my fingers the 'clicking' ceased. When she was placed back in the tank I placed her near her water dish where she remains to this moment - soaking in the water and under the rays of a niodymium lamp.

Should I be worried? Scared?

Oh, I noticed her working her nose against the glass for a few minutes earlier. Possible shedding??


10-24-04, 04:39 PM
Sounds like pneumonia or other respiratory ailment. Get her to a vet ASAP. Don't even wait to see if she will get better. They have some super antibiotics that will clear it up very quickly.

10-24-04, 04:52 PM
What are the temps like in your cage?? Also, what's the humidity sitting at???

10-24-04, 06:07 PM
1. Don't take the snake outside. Boas are nocturnal and don't need sunshine. In fact, they probably don't like it at all either. Not to mention, exposing the general public to your snake unnecessarily can lead to problems with your community.

2. Your snake has the advanced stages of a respiratory infection, and needs a vet immediately. She may need baytril injections.

Mark Jones
10-24-04, 08:39 PM
I'll have her to a vet as soon as I can find one tomorrow. Our vet doesn't handle snakes, but surely someone here in Mobile does.

I've been digging around and now wonder if maybe she was sick when I bought her. I think I posted here, or another forum, about a 'click' when she exhaled. It cleared up though. I discoved a draft the day we fed her blowing right at her tank and shut it down. I also have been incrasing the temps, but I'm at a point where to get it much warmer with equip on hand I'd need to leave a day lamp on at night. Wouldn't that increase the stress level by not having a 'night' period?


10-24-04, 08:48 PM
Yes, but that does not exceed the importance of getting rid of the RI. She'll be stressed for a while. She'll get over it. Or, you can switch the bulb to a colored bulb. I'd recommend blue. You don't need a fancy "reptile night bulb", just any 40 watt blue light bulb. It won't give off much light, but gives off every bit as much heat as a white or clear bulb.

Mark Jones
10-25-04, 04:52 AM
Matt K.,
Sorry for not answering your question earlier... The tank temps are 79 to 82 degrees at night, 85-92 degrees in the day. Relative Humidity runs from 50 to 55%. She was on cyprus substrate, but when we cleaned her tank last night we went to newspaper.

10-25-04, 07:27 AM
Hi mark sorry to hear about your snake..hope she gets better soon. this site here will help you find a herp vet in your area!!


Hope this helps you!


Mark Jones
10-25-04, 09:50 AM
Thanks for the listing! The soonest I can get the critter in is 2:45PM tomorrow. We'll be seeing Dr Linda A. Knight from that ARAV listing.

I called for the appointment and they tried to get me in today and would have if I had means of getting there! Sadly, I'm at the mercy of others on transportation. (That spine injury again...) Anyhoo, they were very helpful and concerned asking many questions and are fairly certain that it is an RI and antibiotics will be needed. They also tried to reassure me I'm doing everything right so far. I'm not easily calmed though when one of my wards is ill. Seems like it HAS to be my fault. The Doctor said she was probably sick when we bought her since she's seen several bought at the same show.
