View Full Version : My Savanna

10-24-04, 03:03 PM
I picked up a Savanna Monitor about a week ago and when I got him he was hissy , he bit my gloves a number of times and even refused to eat fir the first two days ..

that was a week ago .. today he is handlable no hissing no biting and he loves to be rubbed ust behind the vent on his right side I call him "he" for lack of knowledge as I realy don't know if he is a he or a she ...

Shan-Yu is what I call him ( got the name from the big bad Mongel warrior from Mulan) , fed him his first pinkie in his new home and he gulped it down like he had not been fed in three weks .. just before that he nailed 3 large crickets .. great apetite , I know they will eat what ever you give them as they are gluttons ...

how much doe any of you feed your Sav's ? I was told pinkie once a week ... crickets every other day .. I feed him crickets every day and a pinkie once a week so far ...

what a change in Shan-Yu has made in a week .. I am sooo happy with him ...

10-24-04, 03:51 PM
Great to hear :) I find my sav Mika so rewarding i had put off getting one till my kids were old enough ( I had one many moons ago before mommy hood lol) and we all find it a real treat having one in the house.
I personally give our lil girl/boy as many crickets as she'll eat in a day as well as some ground turkey and or chicken and boilled egg to mix up her diet and she's growing like a bad weed so far.
enjoy watching it grow It's amazing how fast they put on the beef and inches.

Laura-Lee L