View Full Version : pictus eggs

10-24-04, 01:31 AM
Hello all,

I went to move my pictus pair to a larger enclosure because i was surprised when the female had not laid yet. When removing the substrate I ended up uncovering a few eggs to my surprise. I later discovered a hatchling! When uncovering the eggs, i think i rolled a few of the eggs over by accident, but they were well developed and hard. My question is, how will that effect those eggs?



10-28-04, 06:08 PM
well by rolling the eggs around you might of drawned the embrio. That is why some people put marks on the eggs, so they know which side is the top. Is the hatchling alive or dead when you found it?

10-28-04, 09:51 PM
well that was the thing. I didn't even know the eggs were there. I have a dirt/sand substrate and she had burried the eggs very well into it. When i had finally got frustrated that i had seen any eggs, and decided to change around their habitat (thinking something about it was unsatisfactory to them), i stumbled upon them in the process of removing the substrate.

Had i known they were there i would have removed them, labeled them, and incubated them.

The hatchling i foudn was alive and is doing well.

The embrios can drown at any stage of development in the egg?
