View Full Version : The Unexplained In Your Life??
Okay I don`t have much time I have to go volunteer today at a local agency so i`ll post my experiances later since they are long and numerous
Shadow posted about this new movie called White Noise
Anything unexplained happened in your life or to some one you know - strange happenings, sounds ect... Paranormal?
this should be interesting, i saw a 'ground'hog in a tree once.
i thought ...'what could this mean' ??
10-22-04, 02:53 PM
Only wierd and unexplained that ever happen to me is on a recent herping trip to the everglades. We went out looking for some gators and split up around this small bed of water on turner river road. We got to looking, when i heard him call, Jason, like in a panic where he found something interesting. It was coming from on the road. I ran onto the road, and saw a figure move over into the water, i followed. When i got to the area where i thought my friend brandon was at noone was there. I looked back and saw brandons headlamp shinning back at the little bed of water where i as at. To me this was as scary as it could get, i cant handle much when it comes to being scared. But i could have sworn i heard and saw a "human" walk into the water. Aswell as brandon swears he never called my name.
I am sure other experiences on here will be much more scary.
10-22-04, 03:01 PM
OoooOoOoo spooky.
My aunt's last house was haunted...(it was a very, very old brick school house). Her neighbours would see a person in the window when no one was home, and my little cousin would wake up in the middle of the night, and see things in his room. Apparently some people had died at the school, including a teacher who used to abuse the kids. My cousin was 4ish, and would claim to have nightmares involving the same abuses this teacher used to act out on the students, i.e, burning with a lantern. I'm not going to go way into that here though.
My relatives moved when the house got dead cold for no reason in the middle of winter. (any Canadians will sympathize as this is no fun!)
A couple years later we met a couple through our kickboxing classes and they had actually bought the house and still reside in it. They claim the same things happen, the house gets cold, lights flicker, etc.
They've even taken to leaving things at the bottom of the stairs just to see them move to the top of the stairs by themselves. The last they heard of this 'ghost' was when their brother came into their kitchen and was telling them how silly they were being, and the kitchen light exploded...
Thats the last I heard....true or not, the same happenings in the same house as told by two different families is pretty weird!
10-22-04, 03:02 PM
Hmmm lets see.
It was 1982 and I was in Portugal on a trip with the family at the time I was 11 years old. We were all out near a camp fire in the middle of the night in my grandfather' s yard enjoying each other company telling stories of our lives and so on. I was restless being young and a bit bored with the adults and starting playing with my grandfather' s dog "Senoir Nao" - means Mr. No.
Well we started to walk off down a dark walk way near the vineyards with the only light from a full moon above and the camp fire at a distance. As you can expect there with natural noises and a bit of creepiness being almost in the dark but when your young this doesn' t scare you off that much.
Well after about 20 minutes running and playing with the dog I felt a cold chill which threw me off because it was a warm day and night around 36 C. I was a short cold breeze not a slight one but a much deeper and colder feeling. Then I called for Mr. No and he came running at me like he was scared off by something. I never seen him run with his tail tucked in and checking behind him so fast. At that moment I was worried because where we are in Portugal you can expect wolves and snakes, and even wild dogs. Although I heard nothing like them I decided best to get out of there and get back with the family. I started walking backwards to not turn my back on what scared the dog.
While walking backwards I bumped up against one of the vineyards posts and turned around as fast as I can to see what stopped me in my tracks. After seeing it was a limestone piller post I looked back again to see the direction I am walking away from.
Now the spooky part comes in - when I looked back I saw a cloudy somewhat foggy distortion of of a old woman walking a white dog which I still believe today was a wolf. I yelled out at them and got no response litterly I saw them come through the wall of an old shed and walk into the vineyards. Well now being anything macho I started running back to the camp fire and told my family what I saw. I thought if anything they would just laugh at me for being young and dumb from that situation.
Instead most of the senior folks at this family camp fire had a weird look to their faces. At which my grandmother said what I saw was normal. I said normal what do you mean. Turns out the shed was actually a single bedroom where my great grandmother stayed with my grandparents and she passed away after a wolf attacked her back in the 1950s in those vineyards. After hearing that I was in shock but my grandparents were somewhat happy because I saw the ghost so to speak. Since I knew nothing about it before hand and my parents never told me this or even believed it when they lived well over 20 years there themselves and never saw this either. My grandparents were proud I had seen it when they see it all the time and let it be as it is.
Well I tell you now, after that moment I never took that trail again, and even after visiting last year I still avoid that spot all together. What I saw was interesting and brought me some history in my family but spooky it was and if the dog can be scared so can I, lol.
10-22-04, 03:16 PM
Between the ages of Birth-7 years, I had lived in a haunted house.
At night, I would hear something growling and scratching in the wall beside my bed, every night for about 4 years that I could remember. The growling was not like anything a human or an animal could make. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.
The basement seemed to be where most of the phenomenon originated. It was colder than any basement should be, and there was a rank smell, almost like rotting meat eminating from the area. I had three cats at the time, and anytime that either one of them would come near the top of the stairs, they would raise their hackles and hiss. If I tried taking them downstairs with me, I would get clawed in their struggle to get away.
I would also wake up covered with bruises, scratches, and bite marks all over my body, I cannot explain where they had come from.
I would place an object down for a moment to go do something else, and when I would turn to retrieve it, it would be missing. I would typically find the object in another area of the room, or in a different room entirely.
Whatever entity or entities were in that house, were NOT friendly, and I hope to never encounter something like that again.
10-22-04, 03:22 PM
One time, I fell asleep in front of the tv. When I woke up, to my amazement, I saw a UFO in the sky. Oh wait, it was the x-files on tv. ;-)
10-22-04, 03:22 PM
I have had far too many paranormal experiences to share all of them, but I try to maintain my skepticism about it. However, some of my experiences make that awfully hard.
My older brother is the biggest skeptic in the family, and even he won't talk about the happenings in this one duplex we lived in.
We started to notice strangeness right away when we moved in - there one room in the basement that was SUPER cold, no matter how high the heat was. (This room was adjacent to my bedroom. My brother slept behind a curtain in the main basement room.) We used this room for storage, because it was uninhabitable. It also reeked of iron ore. We couldn't figure out why it was cold, we figured maybe a draft, so I put a candle in the window sill - no draft. We thought the vent was blocked, so we looked around the room, only to find the vent in the ceiling, unobstructed and wide open. But the heat could only be fet standing directly underneath it.
I decided to see if the whole myth about cats sensing ghosts was true, so I brought my cat, Tigger, downstairs with me. As soon as I entered the hallway, Tigger hissed loudly, panicked, scratched the hell out of me, and ran upstairs like a bolt of lightning.
Then the really weird stuff started happening - my brother reported seeing footstep impressions in the thick rug we had downstairs. His stereo would suddenly go on full blast in the middle of the night. The coffee machine would turn itself on at night, and we would wake up to the bottom of the coffee pot scorched and black. One day, while my younger brother was in my other brother's room playing nintendo, HIS TV went on in the next room, and the volume knob was turned up full blast - we had a full view of his room from the kitchen, and he did not enter or exit the room at any time. Lights went on by themselves, items would relocate, all of the typical signs.
Well, one day my brother-in-law's car keys went missing, and we literally tore the house apart looking for them. My sister went so far as to dig through the garbage and reach into the toilet bowl to see if one of her kids flushed them. They were nowhere to be found. The house was spotless, so it could not have been hard to find them. Well, one day before locking up the house and leaving for work, my mom shouted behind her "I want those keys back, and I want them back TONIGHT!"
We came home, and they keys were on the bedside table right beside my mom's bed. Then her favorite sweater went missing.
We moved out of the house after this.
Great stories guys...
Invictus I too have had a lot of creept experiances in my life
I wonder if some people are more subseptable(? did i just make that work up) to these types of things
Right now i`ll just talk about the house I am living in now.....
I moved into this house about 4 years ago
It is in the oldest part of my city(saskatoon) one the next block over is the oldest house in the city which at one point was use for a hospital during something tyo do with the louis reil rebelion
My house is a townhouse in a building that covers half of our block that is very old - well over a hundred years
(3 floors - 4 bedrooms)
Things started happening as soon as we moved in
This very first day we went to put the key in the door and the door just opened - which we thought was just because the people who lived there before must have not shut the door properly because they finished moving out just 20 min befiore we moved in
This same thing continued to happen for the entire week and I started blaming my b/f because I thought he wasn`t closing the door properly
The last night after 4 days I made sure I shut and locked the door properly then when we got home I grabbed the key out of his hand and went to open it and when I put the key in the whole and went to turn it the key broke off and the door opened
The next day we got a deadbolt put in and never bother with the knob again
Then shortly afterwards I was making supper at the stove and I was talking to my b/f and I saw what I thought was him standing behind me - when I asked him a question and he didn`t answer I turned around to ask why he wasn`t answering me and no one was there - I walked into the living rooma nd he was watching tv on the couch - needless to say this ended in a fight because I thought he just walked away when I was talking to him but he swore he wasn`t in the kitchen
Stuff started to be misplaced around the house and for the ongest time there was always a soaking wet teatowel on the floor in the living room. Once again this turned into a fight because I thought he was just being lazy when cleaning something up - but after the third time I knew it wasn`t him because he was out of town that day
One day a friend of mines father came to pick him up from my house and his dad came to the door asking if he could come in. I thought this to be strange because his dad never came to the door at any of my past houses or aprtments
His dad started by saying ' I don`t want to disturb you but I would really like to look around...' I said sure but was very curious as to why...He asked if I remembered all the scarey storeis he told us while we were growing up about when he lived with his aunt and I said of course then he said this is the house that I lived in with her - I told him he must have been mistaken and he said I can prove it - go look under the kitchen counter edge and see if there is a door bell button...I checked and there was - he said she used to use it to call him up from the basement when he was a teenager - he and his aunt moved out because of all the strange ocurances and his aunt found out something terrible happened here
Strange things continued and seemed to cause a lot of stress between me and my b/f until we broke up
While living alone things got worse - there was always thumping up and down the stairs thumping in the hall, lights dimming and appliances turning on and off - the majority of the electrical problems we dismissed as old wiring - although my ex who was an electrician said that a dimmer can`t dim on its own due to bad wiring
Soon after I met my current b/f and at that time I had a couple room mates so we moved into the basement
we would always hear children playing in the basement and thought it was just the neighbour kids eventhought it was real late at night - soon after the family next door moved out and the noises continued - we moved back up stairs
LAter one of the room mates took over the basement - we didn`t tell them anything because some times its better to keep these things to yourself - they were already experiancing the noises ect..
One moring I came down to the main floor to get ready for work and my roomate was sitting on the couch and you could tell he hadn`t slept - I asked what was wrong and he said he didn`t want to talk about it Later that day I asked him again because he still seemed upset and he said 'you won`t believe me, but there was a little girl in my room last night'
He moved back to a bedroom upstairs too
Soon after one night we were sleeping in our new room which was by the bathroom and heard thumping from in the bathroom...we got up and went to have a look thinking one of the cats had knocked the shampoo down into the tub or something and when we went in there all you could hear was heavy scratching which seemed to come from right inside our old clawfoot tub
My animals are acting strange all the time the cats stair at what seems to be nothing for long periods of time or the dogs bark and growl at nothing - and sometimes the animals will be sleeping and they will just get up and run like some one just called them
There are several other things but I can see this post is getting too long so i`ll leave it at that - people tell me I should look into the histroy of the place and who might have lived here in the past - but I am content not knowing
10-22-04, 06:18 PM
Your story gave me chills, ydinc.
10-22-04, 06:51 PM
It is fun being scared thats why we go to scary movies, haunted walks etc.. But i cant see how people in "haunted" houses would stay there. The first damn thing i saw that was spooky i would be packing my things the next second.
This is not my experience, but my very good friend brandon in the story i told above lives in georgia. The day i left from georgia to come back to florida a few years ago his other good friend was killed by bullies. Hit hard in the back of the head and died. That same night brandons sister saw "brandon" at the door way crying. She told brandon to go back to sleep and not bother her. Brandon also saw aboy crying by the door in his room and he knew right away who it was... If anyone is prone to seeing anything ghostly it is my sister her stories scare the crap outa me always. So i guess some people are more prone to seeing it. Just thought i would tell one more experience i know of. Jason
10-22-04, 06:51 PM
ydinc, do you still live there?
We had a similar thread before, here was my post. I still get the willies thinking about it.
When I was little, maybe 5 or 6, my family lived in a townhouse in Windsor. We had a little dog named Monchue and he used to howl occasionally in the middle of the night for long periods of time. We used to keep it in a crate in the kitchen. It was terrifying.
Many times, when I was laying in bed with my eyes closed, I could feel something crawl on my bed. It would walk around on top of me. Not human size, small, like Guinea Pig size. Walking on two legs though. I would be so terrified that I couldn't open my eyes or move. I thought that if I pretended to be asleep and breathed shallow enough, it would leave me alone. I never saw anything because I would close my eyes really tight. I thought for sure that I was awake though.
Honestly, I now think that it was my imagination or something, maybe a nightmare. It was very realistic to me though and still scares me. I haven't thought about it in a very long time. Come to think of it, it could have been some kind of sleep disorder or something. At the time, I was doing allot of sleep walking. The only time ever in my life, while living in that house. I did it quite often. My parents often caught me trying to pee in the bath tub and closets and what not lol. I gues you never know what it was, it was very, very real to me then.
Here's the thread:
10-22-04, 08:17 PM
reading these gives me the chill..... oh great, right after i go home from watching the grudg...
Aidan - yes I still live in the house, my dad just past away a few months ago and things have calmed down quite a bit - the only thing that happens lately is when I am upstairs in my room alone you can hear shuffling in the hall at night and my door creaks
Sometimes when I`m cleaning or doing stuff when i`m bent over I can feel some one standing over me or a cool breeze zip by that makes my hair stand on end - I just hope its my father
But about every three days there is this horrifying smell in the living room that will linger for like 10 or 20 minutes then its gone, but that has always been there
10-22-04, 09:29 PM
After I lost my beloved little dog, Micki years ago, I was devastated and really deep in grief. I'd had her for 14 years and she was like my child. She got old and sick and I had to make the decision to have her put to sleep. That added a sense of guilt to my grief and I was really having a tough time.
Anyway, shortly after I started to have these experiences were when I was in bed in pitch black, I could feel something on the bed moving around. I swear the mattress felt pressed down by something with mass. I would be about half asleep when this happened and at first I freaked. That is until the thought occured to me that it might be Micki coming back to check on me. That thought helped me through some tough emotional times. It got to be less and less over the years but every once in awhile it still occurs. I guess that she still loves me enough to check and see if I'm okay.
hey dani and reptyle - you should look into sleep paralysis - these sound like symtems of that
10-22-04, 09:36 PM
True but I am not really troubled by my experience actually it gives me some comfort. I still miss that little mutt lol. I have heard of the sleep paralysis disorder but I doubt that this is it.
10-22-04, 11:10 PM
This is a greatthread considering how close we are to hallow'een. When I was around twelve i had a dream that my bedroom walls were shaking and that all of the pictures, shelves etc. would fall off the wall and hit me in my bed. So I got out of bed, feeling terrified and took everything off of the walls (they were still shaking at the time). Now the shaking wasn't real it was a dream and I was sleep walking when I took down all of my pictures, shelves, books and anything else that was hung. I must have done this very quietly as no one in the house heard me.
I then walked into my living room and layed down on a couch since I wasafaid of the shaking walls (remember I think I was sleep walking here or at least not really awake). I looked at the other couch in the room and remember seeing a skeleton. I remember this as clear as yesterdy. If it was my imagination, I must have had a good one. Well after staring at this for what seemed like an eternity... I was so afraid I couldnt move but for some reason I closed my eyes then it was gone.
I went back to bed (I was awake at this point). The next day my older brother told us that he got up in the middle of the night to use the washroom and said he say a skeleton on the couch.
This still gives me the shivers
Yeah, that was what someone suggested in the other thread. I haven't ever experience this since, like I said, only while we were living in this house. I did have terrrifying dreams at this time as well. Also reoccuring nightmares. Don't know if it was me or the house.
I thought in my mind that they were small demons or something. I am certain that I was awake, like I said, I never saw a thing. I couldn't move (although I felt like I was in control of myself). Like, I didn't want to move, open my eyes or breath because this creature would realize that I was there.
I literally could feel it craawl on the bed from the side, up the covers. I could feel it's little feet on my body. It would walk on my legs and chest. I could feel it look at me and be close to my face. I was only 4 or 5.
You know what, thinking of it. I never told anyone I don't think. Not even my parents. I don't think that I felt safe enough too.
Anyhow, it still scares the crap out of me when I think about it.
I was told that these 'lost souls' don't realize they have died so they haven't crossed over. They are supposedly very scared as well. So, if you see one, I'm told that you should tell them that they have died and that they should 'go'.
A friend of mine apparently haunts his house which is accross the alley from me. He was such a nice guy. I did ask the ppl that lived there to tell him to cross over. I'm not sure if they did or not but I haven't heard about anymore sightings.
10-23-04, 02:04 AM
Dani, that story reminds me of a movie from back in the 70's. I think it was called Wait Until Dark. This young couple buys this house that is inhhabited by these little demon creatures that lived in the the chimney. They wanted to get the wife and make her one of them and in the end they got her. That movie is the only one that ever really scared me. Still chills me once in awhile when I remember it.
Some of your stories give me goosebumps...
Here's mine.
Seven years ago I purchased a cottage and me, my-ex (wasn't my ex at the time) and my 2 sons (2 and 4 at that time) lived there.
The youngest one was having alot of trouble sleeping, we thought it was because of the new house and all, also we had bought him a larger bed so we blamed it on those things.
But he kept waking up allways around 1 or 2 am allmost every night and sometimes he came up in our bed during the night.
We started thinking he was having nightmares.
We all sleep on the 2nd floor and on top of us is the addic.. it's empty and there's only insulation foam in there, no floor.
On a specific night, I heard him cry and wake up telling is older brother to stop... I woke up, walked to their room. (there beds are parrallele and separated by about 2 feet).
And I saw ... (geez, I'm getting goosebump just qriting this :) )
I saw my oldest beside the bed, watching him.. So I said "Jordan, get back to bed your disturbing Xavier".. he turned and looked at me, I looked at Jordans bed and there he was... sound asleep...
When I turned back at what I thought at first to be Jordan beside the other bed, there was nothing there anymore...
I was totally creeped out !
The next day, I told my ex what I had saw and she told me hearing a bouncing ball sound every other night over my sons bed. She thought it was wind blowing branches of the side of the house that made that sound. But when I told her about seiing a young boys silouhette, she thought that maybe that was it. Some young boys spirit wanting to play with someone.
I remembered one of my aunt telling me that she once had spirits in her house and the only thing to do if they bother you, is to tell them out loud to leave and they will do so.
So, the next night my son woke up in the middle of the night, I got up, went in their room and said "can you please stop waking Xavier up.. he needs is sleep and you are disturbing him. If you wanna watch over him it's okay, but don't try to play with him, he can't. So either, go or stay, but don't bother him anymore.
Since then... no more waking up in the middle of the night...
I still live there with my sons, my new girlfriend and her daughter.
When they moved in 2 years ago... he came back...
There was a new child in the house, my GFs daughter was 2 at that time...
My GF saw the little boy in my sons room and another night she was waken up by her daugter talking to someone in her bed..
When she got in the room she saw the silouhette... thinking it was one of my sons, she told him to go to bed, but realized it wasn't one of them..
She told me about it and was really freaked out when I said "oh, you saw the little boys ?"
The next night I went and talked to him like I did a couple of years before and he didn't wake her up anymore.
I think he's watching over them in a positive way, I've allways talked to him with respect and firmness and he allways listens.
Gary D.
10-23-04, 11:32 AM
Being a sceptic (although I too have my own story I still think about a little as possible), here is a thought from a scientific angle. It is is well known that children seem to be more "atuned to the paranormal". Particularly with vivid night mares and other night frights. I had a few doozies as a kid myself. Which makes me think perhaps that there is far less actual supernatural activity in many of these cases. I believe that the growing brain of a child, while possibly more susceptable to psychic influence, is more likely to create these events of it's own accord, including such things as sleep paralysis. It is well kow that the majority of growth occurs during the sleeping hours, it it not equally likely that such changes can effect the unconscious mind?
10-23-04, 12:17 PM
I'll try to make this short. One experience I've had was a house that I rented with 2 other friends. It was an older house and at times the stereo's volume would just crank all the way up. If you were downstairs, it would sound like someone was walking around upstairs and vice versa. My one room mate woke me up one night, cause he could here someone walking downstairs. We searched the whole house and found nothing. My room mate was a big guy, doesn't believe in that stuff and isn't scared of to much. But that night was the most freaked out I've ever seen him.
Then one night i woke up for some reason. You know when you wake up like that, still half asleep(half awake?), but you sit up in bed and do a quick look around. Well there was some one standing at the foot of my bed, i still half asleep went back to sleep and it wasn't till morning that what had happenned sunk in.
I didn't pay it much thought, didn't tell anyone, until the one day out of the blue my girlfriend decided to tell me, that a few times that she had slept over, often she would wake up in the middle of the night to a young girl, early teens, standing at the foot of the bed.
It wasn't till about a year after we had moved out of that house that we found out, that a girl had hung herself there. It just so happens that it was the room that was my bedroom1 The person that told us that had no idea that we had lived there either!
Needless to say for that year myself and my friends lived there we had nothing but seemingly bad luck in our lives. there just seem to be a big negative vibe to that whole year.
a theory i kinda like about "ghosts" is that when some people have a strong emotional moment ( eg violent, happy, security etc etc..) they might leave like a imprint of it on that space. hence, why you might have happy or angry ghosts. Did I make sense with that?
The only thing more scary than all this stuff is my grammar today!! LOL
Gary D.
10-25-04, 06:11 PM
OK here's mine. Keeping in mind am a sceptic as my earlier post points out. Sit back and make your self comfy, because I'm not going to make this short, instead I'm going to tell it properly.
It was a late fall, my room mates and I had returned to the very small town in Saskatchewan where they had grown up. The purpose of this trip was to attend the wedding of one of their friends in a similarly small town a couple of hours north, where they had spent much their teen years partying. Well as it turned out the wedding dance was a bit of a bust and we decided to leave around midnight to one o'clock or so.
To truly under stand the setting, one has to comprehend vast amount of uninhabited space in rural saskatchewan, where sections of land are simply fields and fields webbed with small gravel grid roads no more than one lane wide. Man-made light is often few and far between on the back roads, and the odd yard light in the distance is no guarantee of human presence, just equipment storage. It is on such a road this story takes place.
The night was calm and clear with a bright moon high overhead. It is common however for large patches of fog to occur seemingly at random across the praries, especially during the shoulder seasons of late fall and early spring. It was in one of these fog patches that my friend who was driving became disoriented and lost. An odd event considering they had driven these roads back and forth every weekend for years, and knew them as well as you or I would know the neighbourhoods we grew up in. As such she turned down a grid that was soon become aparent that it was not the right one. As we proceeded down this road a feeling of anxiety began to grow amongs us and all conversation turned to strained silence. The road emptied into (or perhaps just paralled) a dis-used farmyard. My anxiety was now to the point that the muscles in my neck shoulders and back were so tight that I has a sore neck for three days after. I felt we should get out of there as fast as possible. Suddenly my friend driving screamed and slammed on the brakes, feeling terrified and that she could go no further. Being startled by the scream, and the lack of movement of the car being the opposite of what I wanted most, my ever rising anxiety became panic. She turned the car around as fast as she could, tears running down her face, all the while I was practically screaming GO,GO, DRIVE! at her. To add to our dismay the sensation did dot go away as quickly as it came, instead it felt like it was persuing us for the next ten or so miles. Now I do not know whether what I saw was with my eyes or just in my mind. But the image is imprinted on my mind just the same. There was no coporeal being, just a two dimentional shadow without eyes or face, and dark enough to be seen cast upon the other shadows of the night. The shape was of a thin boney human shaped figure, crouched yet nimble and had no flutter of clothing.
When we arived back in town, we found One of my roommates' sister and boyfriend were up and that she was equally distressed having earlier described a similar entity from a nightmare she experienced about the same time frame as our incident.
There are two side notes which go with this story. The first I do not often include as I feel it lessens the personal experience I had that evening, thus I don't believe it to be directly related. But the following morning another friend, who still lived in the area told of two cattle mutilations which happened that night.
The second is that for months after none of us spoke of the events of that night, yet my friend who was driving no longer felt comfortable hanging out with just me. After an evening involving a couple too many drinks, the friend who was driving and I began to talk about that night, our feelings and memories of what had happened. I explained that what had bothered me the most wasn't really a sense of terror or fear, so much as a feeling that can best be described as being in the presence of evil. And what was worse was that it wasn't that the entity was after us, nor was it after me. The only way to describe it is that it somehow WAS me.
Our friendship returned to normal, and as time has passed, we will occasionally referr to that night, and may even re-tell the story every now and then. But amongst ourselves we still don't discuss it. As a matter of fact I have not discussed it again with my other room mate (now my wife) since that night. I brought the topic up on the weekend with her and it was promptly dropped.
Any way, that's my tale. So as for being a sceptic, I don't believe in UFOs nor most classic ghost stories, but I do believe there are more things in this world than we understand, and not all of them are good.
Holy! Missed this thread this whole time (for darn good reason too!). Glad to see I'm not the only freak who sees stuff. :p Was gonna share some of my stories but after reading some of yours (especially yours Gary!), I'll pass for now. All I can say is, there is those who see, and there is those who don't. *shudder*
So I used to live in banff. I moved there for awhile right after I turned 19. It was a great place to live - anyone who has been there knows that every night is 'saturday' night.
We had a lot of fun and things were going really good. There are lots of area haunts and many nights we would go and try to find them. One of the best places to go was the Banff springs hotel. There is serveal stories of ghosts and creepy happenings at this hotel. There is a story of a bride to be married at the banff springs and one her wedding night she was to be walking down the long staircase opening into the ballroom on her wedding day and she apparently caught her gown on the candles leading down the stairwell and caught on fire and fell down thestairs to her death. She is said to be seen by several guests and staff wandering in the ballroom. We sneaked in several times at night - but never once came across her before getting kicked out.
This was quite disappointing to me.
However working at one of the gift shops in town in the old sundance mall ended up making me leave Banff for good.
I worked between 3 stores that were all owned by the same person. Two of the three were right beside each other one called Totem souvenires and the other called Thunderbird souvenirs. Theses stores were on the front of the mall with outside doors to enter from the street and were connected in the back by a small hall. In totem they also had an attack where stock was stored.
The third was at the other end of banff ave called Banff wetern outfitters and this building was one of the historical buildings in banff as it used to be the main building of the town when first settled. In the basement of the store was were all the stock was kept along with the bathrooms.
For my first couple of weeks everything seemed fine and I didn`t really have a problem with any of the stores and didn`t mind working alone late at night.
They were great places to work because all of my fellow employees and most of our shoppers were Japanese. So soon the other employees started teaching me japanese and would laugh at me trying to speak to the tourists. It was so much fun that I thought I would live in Banff forever.
Then the 'occuarances' begain.
The first thing happened up in the attic. I was getting out some new stock when it suddenly got cold. I yelled down for one of the girls to grab my sweater. I went about seaching through the t-shirt stock for sizes when I saw something in the back corner move. I thought it was my friend joey playing a trick on me and decided tosneak up to scare her instead. The next thing I remember is being waken up by one of the other girls in the attic. She said that when she came to give me my sweater I wasn`t answering and when she came up, I turned to her and looked real sick and then just passed out. After I came down she and my boss were talking in japanese at what sounded like an escalating conversation and then sent me home. No one talked about it and soon when I asked my boss about it - he said that I hit my head and knocked myselff out and that I shouldn`t listen to what the other girls say(which mind you wouldn`t talk about it) I got moved to the Banff western out fitters store for awhile(once again for reasons unknown to me) An I begain to hate it there because I was usually working by my self which made the days go by slow. One day I neede d to go to the washroom so I locked the store door and went down to the basement. I had been down there serval times but not since I had passed out at the other store. as soon as I went down the stores I got this eerie feeling - the one where the ahir on your neck and arms stand on end. And sudenly I had no choice but to run. I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind me. I just stood there and waited. It was as if I knew there was something on the other side of the door. There was nothing I could do to make my arm lift to the door knob. I must have stood there for 20 minutes- silent - waiting. Then suddenly the light in the washroom went off and then back on. Well That made me open the door in a hurry. When I opened the door the rest of the basement lights were off. So I ran even faster than when I went to the bathroom and just as I got to the top of the stairs I swear by everything I heard like a loud wind wisp by my head say ' GO-oooo'
I closed up and left. The next day I went into totem and told my boss that I won`t work at that store by myself because it is too boring. He brought me back to totem the next day. I went over to the thunderbird side of the store that next night and begain talking to one of the other girls. She told me after some prusauding on the topic that Mitsu - the girl that found me saw something in the attic before I passed out. And when I looked at her it wasn`t me. Thats what her and hiro were arguing about before I was sent home. He told them not to discuss it anymore. Suzuko said that in japanese culture ghosts are everywhere. She said that when she lived in Japan as a child she would see ghosts all the time and so would her family. SHe said they are just a part of everyday life.
A couple of weeks went by and nothing happened further.
Then the last night I worked in banff something did happen. I was working on the totem side a lone and it was just before closing. I was standing at the front cleaning up when a women came in. I said hello and she said nothing which I thought was rude so under my breath I was like B*t*c. Then I watched for a couple minutes looking around at souvenirs and noticed one of the bags that were supopsed to be under the counter had fallen on the floor. I picked it up and put it back and then when I looked up she was gone. I thought that maybe she had went through the back door and went to the other store. I quickly ran after where I had thought hse had gone hoping to catch her and give her crap for going through the back since she was so rude in the first place and whne I went into the other store joey said no one came through. I was very upset and decided to wait until my boss came in in the moring to see the tape because I wanted to know where she went.
The next day hiro came in and we reveiwed the tape. THere was no women. There was me saying hello, me looking like I was watching some one, me running to the back hall, me looking around when I came back, but no women. I watched the tape twice, and then I quit. Hiro Understood. I left Banff three days later.
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