View Full Version : Is this a new pattern?

Mystic Lizzards
10-22-04, 01:12 AM
the 3 dots on it's head

10-22-04, 01:13 AM
Never seen an X back lizard before :D

10-22-04, 01:13 AM
pic not working for me.

Mystic Lizzards
10-22-04, 01:19 AM
i think it works now

10-22-04, 08:57 AM
I've seen white dots on the head before, as well as white stripes/lines. Chances are it won't stay once the baby pattern breaks up into the adult spotting. Even if the white spots stay, it's not really enough to show a new pattern/morph.

I'm curious if I'm seeing things or not. Is that paper towel soaking wet, and does it extend the entire floor area? If so, you've got to change the floor covering to be dry, and supply a humid hide instead. If I'm wrong, sorry, I just wanted to check what I'm seeing.

Mystic Lizzards
10-23-04, 11:35 PM
no you seeing things it's only a moist square and the gecko is 1/2 an hour old

10-27-04, 09:38 PM
I have a new baby that I picked up that has a V on it's forehead. it will probably disappear over time but it looks cool right now :)

Mystic Lizzards
10-28-04, 09:23 AM
got any pics

10-28-04, 09:34 AM
just got them yesterday haven't got a good pic of that particular one yet. I'll try again today to get one if my damn camera will co-operate.

Mystic Lizzards
10-28-04, 11:52 PM
cool i can't wait

10-29-04, 11:30 AM
This double het for patternless and albino hatched early in April this year, just days before Easter. I found it rather hilarious that she had a stylized Easter bunny on her head.


10-29-04, 11:41 AM
lol, good thing you were able to take a pic, that is really cute :)

Mystic Lizzards
10-29-04, 12:18 PM
nice how much that set you back?

Painted Desert
10-29-04, 01:51 PM
Unlikely she set Hilde back anything... one of her's :) Speaking of interesting markings... i sold this one to "Nike" for a quick $10,000


10-29-04, 02:14 PM
Hey Linda.... is that 10,000 pesos? LOL

Linda's right, the leo is one of my hatchlings from this year.
Over the years I've had 2 with footprint type markings on their heads (and lots of them with footprints on their backs). The most unusual ones were the clover and star shapes.

10-29-04, 02:55 PM
one of my hypo tangerine ct males have a paw print on his leg, one orange spot and a black spot of his side. It's really neat ill try to get pics up asap

10-29-04, 03:15 PM
Hope to see a pic or two, John. I just got three baby tangs and they are winning me back over to leos really quick :D The het blizzard I got with them is not too bad either :D

10-30-04, 11:10 PM
The leo in the pic is only a baby. So it will probably lose those markings and form different ones. As well the black head.

10-31-04, 01:59 PM
uh yeah we know that. I can see an interesting head markings thread coming on lol

01-09-05, 11:17 PM
hi people i also got a gecko wiht a V on its head and shes about 4 months old