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10-21-04, 07:41 PM
here's a pic of my not so good natured straight horned baboon...first 4 words are my own addition to the name:D.
had no plans on buying another t but a friend was looking to find a new home for her...and there I was...with open arms!
notice the horn on her carapace.

10-21-04, 07:43 PM
nice pic through the webs

10-21-04, 09:04 PM
Beautiful spider Yve; It surely looks much better in person though. By the way, what's happening with your move/other options?


paul vader
10-21-04, 09:29 PM
He looks ready for a pinky-dog...nice motel room too...

10-21-04, 11:07 PM
hey Aidan, if I move out of the country it won't be until the end of next year. I'm not sure I get what you mean by 'other options'...you want dibs on this honey???:D

10-21-04, 11:08 PM
Paul, that is no motel...its a state of the art condo:D

10-22-04, 10:15 AM
Yve, there was moving somewhere in southern Ontario, and the other option, the one I thoroughly dislike, would be for you to leave the country.

So what I am saying is.... STAY IN CANADA!


10-22-04, 03:35 PM
aawwwweee...you're such a sweetie Aidan:o

11-10-04, 05:04 PM
Those are the types of spiders that I always say I can't get over :p I've done pretty good with my phobia, but those ones sitll make me a bit panicky. Nonetheless, congrats on the new T. And I agree with Aidan... stay in the country! :D

11-10-04, 09:18 PM
See, Linds has a good mindset, Yve. So should you! And linds, must I meet up with you again to get you over your fear a bit more?:P


11-16-04, 11:58 PM
Linds, as long as you admire this one from afar you won't have any problems:)...she is very aggresive....without hesitation she puts her dukes up if you get too close.

As for leaving the country...I just got back from N'awlins got a place and job hooked up. I am moving down in March.....mind is set but if ya'll (had to say it) wanna come for a visit I'd be happy to have ya and show you around!:)