View Full Version : Central-American Rat Snake

Simon Sansom
10-20-04, 09:53 PM
<html><i>Pseudelaphe flavirufa flavirufa <i><html>...
Just a favourite pic of my male.


Simon R. Sansom

10-20-04, 10:33 PM
You wound me!

What an eye!!

10-20-04, 11:41 PM
Very freaky looking! Neat, though. :)

10-21-04, 12:15 AM
Very cool snakes! How many do you have? Are you breeding any this year?

10-21-04, 09:03 AM
Incredible!! Very nice guy - and great picture,

mary v.

10-21-04, 03:50 PM
That's certainly a very beautiful snake! I've got a couple since a week or 2. Both shed nicely. I'll hope they feed ASAP.


10-21-04, 04:59 PM
Simon - this guy isn't a species we see often - any chance you can share a bit of info on them? Have you bred them, type of set up they need, how 'sensitive' they are as a species to keep captive, mature size, just all the basics!!- that kind of thing.

That one really is very lovely - I find I keep coming back to look at the picture - and it is nice to see some of the less common species shown off here.

mary v.

10-21-04, 05:44 PM
Love the eyes!


10-21-04, 08:27 PM
The eyes on those snakes are just insanity! Downright creepy looking, but damn cool all the same! Sweet snake Simon, thanks for sharing :D And ditto Mary's request for more info, I really like the looks of these guys...


Simon Sansom
10-21-04, 10:06 PM
Thanks for the kind words, folks!

They're really neat little snakes, and I'm quite fond of them. I really don't know much about them except that there are apparently several sub-species, and that they are very nocturnal (as you can see by the bizarre eyes). Apparently they are called "Night Walkers" in Nicaragua, I think?
When the lights go out in the snake-room, they definitely go "walkin", lol!

They seem to thrive at the ambient temps of my herp-room, 82-84 degrees F, in rubbermaids with no supplemental heating, newspaper substrate, water-dish, hide-box and climbing branch.

I find that they feed best during the evening or under subdued lighting. They both feed upon thawed mice, normally requiring the mouse to be manipulated before they'll take it - they very rarely take it if I just leave the prey in the enclosure. I find that if they are disturbed too much after grabbing their prey, they'll drop it.

I have a feeling that they may be quite arboreal in the wild, as they have a very long and prehensile tail in comparison to a more typical ratsnake, and seem to have a fairly slender build as well.

Mine are not at all defensive, but they do tend to be a bit flighty when handled. They do not offer to bite at all. My two are very meek, inoffensive animals.

The male is considerably smaller than the female and I don't know if I'll be trying to breed them this year. I think I'll give them another season to fatten up a bit more. Better safe than sorry.

...Anyway, sorry for rambling on - I'm recovering from a vicious migraine, and I'm a bit "punchy"...


Simon R. Sansom

10-22-04, 12:39 PM
oooh, Simon, I feel ya. I get migraines all the time, too. *hugs*

Tim and Julie B
10-22-04, 12:48 PM
That is such a cool snake! I love the odd colubrids. Especially questionable ratsnakes.

10-23-04, 01:28 AM
I think I'll give them another season to fatten up a bit more. Better safe than sorry.

You da man! Always pays to be patient. Keep us informed on them bud. Sure would like to see you post some hatchlings pics of them flavs some day. :)

10-23-04, 03:13 PM
What size meals do you feed? I've read that they do better on smaller meals than larger but it's difficult to find a credible source of information on these guys.

I just picked up a pair on Thursday, my male's plenty big for breeding and I too am from Southern Ontario, perhaps we can workout a breeding loan. I bought them as f. flavirufa but haven't verified this for myself yet. He is CB and appears healthy; he is in quarintine right now.

Simon Sansom
10-23-04, 07:28 PM
I do feed them relatively small meals, Cam, otherwise they may "regurge".


10-25-04, 06:12 AM
My animals ate last night!!!
There really awesome!!!

Hope to breed within 3 years!
