View Full Version : Everyone Needs One of These!!!

10-20-04, 03:47 AM
These guys are just awesome!
They have so much character that it didn't take long for them to become one of my favorite species of gecko!

It was their eyes that made me want them in the first place!
Here's why:

Can't wait to start a breeding project with them and get my own hatchlings!
Hope you guys enjoy the pics! :D

10-20-04, 07:33 AM
What species is that? G. vorax? I tired to get a few from that guy that was selling them on classifieds but alas he had to get rid of them fast and shipping wasn't an option *tear*

Their eyes are amazing, between their eyes and Uroplatus eyes I sometimes wish I had gecko eyes. I wonder exactly how they see things differently from us.

Can you get contacts that look like that? That would be rad.


10-20-04, 07:51 AM
Nice leachie! love em...

10-20-04, 08:42 AM
They're really great geckos, and I agree, everyone should have one .... or some. :)

Does anyone have thoughts on that crazy tail of theirs? It looks like an afterthought, nothing you'd design on purpose. That sudden change in size makes it look like the original broke off and a thinner chunk was grafted on.

10-20-04, 08:53 AM
great pictures!
those or chahoua are going to be my next additions.

beth wallbank
10-20-04, 11:00 AM
Thought I would share one of my leachie babies too. Definitely addicting little guys


10-20-04, 12:12 PM
I knew I should have cropped the eye and posted it in a "who am I" kind of thread!

Beth - That is a very nice leachie! They are on the list of "Rhacs I'd love to own", but saras are going to be first!

Hilde - They have amazing tails! They seem to protect it at all times by curling it up when they are at rest! Definitely not like the stubby little after thought of the species you are thinking of! I'm a little suprised that you guessed wrong as well! ;)
*Shakes head and wags finger at the resident gexpert* :p

Brock - I know full well what you mean when it comes to Uroplatus. My computer room is currently sitting at 62 to accomadate that little addiction!

I guess I should have listed the species on the pics...so to clear up any further confusion they are pics of 2 of our R.chahoua.
Thanks everyone for looking and your kind words!

10-20-04, 12:38 PM
Shoot!! I thought they eyes weren't quite right for a leachie, but my monitor sux big time, they look like baby leachies. The second one looks like it could have been a picture of my PI leachie when she was small. My next question for you would have been where you got a leachie with those eyes, 'cuz I want one of them. I should dig up a picture of Lady Oscar, you'll see she looked like that 2nd picture many years ago.

Okay, you win this one, I gooffed big time :)

10-20-04, 02:07 PM
How much does those geckos run for?

10-31-04, 07:40 PM
I'm starting to love those floppy looking rhacodactylus geckos! (leachiuanus and chahoua.)

The other night Jen (Youkai) posted a picture of a chahoua/ciliatus cross...I'm not at all for hybridization, but it's pretty cute.



10-31-04, 07:49 PM
what species are those?

11-01-04, 03:09 PM
Pretty wild looking gecko, I wonder what the hatch rate success is like.

11-01-04, 03:21 PM
If they are the ones I was reading about aren't they around 500? And doesn't it take 5-6 years to reach sexual maturity? Just wondering because at that price I doubt I'll own any, any time real soon.

11-02-04, 04:26 AM
I think the best thing about that pic is the way the caption reads that it is the result of a "accidental" breeding between a chahoua and a ciliatus!
I do really love the color on that hybrid though!

Hilde- I'm gonna let this one slide. ;) :p