View Full Version : Heat Pad!!!

10-19-04, 12:04 PM
im looking around for some human heat pads and i ran across this one!!! would this be good enough for my bp... im posting the site where i got it from.. any advice will help. thanks...


10-19-04, 01:17 PM
Auto-off means it will shut itself off automatically. Not good, you need one that runs constantly.

You shouldn't have to buy it online, the nearest department store or pharmacy will have them for about the same price if not cheaper.

10-19-04, 06:30 PM
Walmart sells the sunbeam ones. They are about $27 cdn so they should be cheaper in the US. Use it on low or medium and it'll do fine! Like Mousekilla said the auto off ones won't work...and they are more money...;)