View Full Version : Escape!!!

10-19-04, 10:56 AM

Help! My young corn snake escaped.... into a fancy computer chair no less!! I was sitting at the comp holding him, when he started to coil down the arm of the chair, and I thought "oh that's cute", I looked away for a sec, looked back and saw him vanish under the chair. He bolted into a small hole under the seat!

I can't take the chair apart, it has no screws or anything, so I put the chair in the bathtub, to limit where he can go, and placed a mouse cut in two in a dish below the chair along with his usual hideout beside it. I haven't seen a peep of him since. :( that was an hour ago. I'm also worried I might have hurt him by moving the chair. :( Does anyone have any more Ideas about how to recapture this silly snake???
what do I do??


10-19-04, 11:02 AM
Ahhh cornsnakes.. they are sneaky! true escape artists...

I think yer only choices.... wait it out... keep an eye on it when the lights go out... or tear the chair apart...

Hmmm.. how about placing a heat source somewhere near.. he may just come out to warm himself up....

10-19-04, 11:05 AM
when did he eat last? If it was recently, baiting him out might be tough. My bet is he'll be out after dark. put crinkly plastic bags around the chair, and make the room completely dark. Sit there listening for the rustling sound with a flashlight at the ready. Might take a while though.

10-19-04, 11:08 AM
lol lots of place to hide in the bathroom. Hope he cant fit in the drain.

10-19-04, 11:08 AM
Oh and if ya placed it in the bath tub... make sure he cant get down the drain!!! :)

10-19-04, 11:10 AM
don't worry, I plugged the drain before putting him in there

10-19-04, 11:11 AM
I also plugged the under the door with a bath mat.

10-19-04, 11:14 AM
Ya might wanna plug air vents... sink drains and also ya might wanna do something about the toilet...

10-19-04, 01:07 PM
air vent is plugged, and he's too short to get into the toilet.

10-19-04, 01:11 PM
I can't beleive it! my irritating snake ate the mouse I put out and went back into the chair!! I had a great hide for him right there. AARRRGGGHH! I guess I'll have to sit and wait for him tonight...if he'll even come out...

10-19-04, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Thrush
I can't beleive it! my irritating snake ate the mouse I put out and went back into the chair!! I had a great hide for him right there. AARRRGGGHH! I guess I'll have to sit and wait for him tonight...if he'll even come out...

LOL now its time for the heat source considering he just ate. Try to put a human heat pad down and set it on low with a towl over it so he doesnt get burned. I bet he will come out to warm up. You may try putting a small hide box over half the heatpad as well.


10-19-04, 01:48 PM
Good Luck with your mission & I guess you learned a new lesson. "Controlled & Contained" if you had kept control ie: not let the snake go by itself, it would not be in the chair. Now that its eaten it will be harder to get it out of the chair. I'd suggest having it in a cold room with a hotspot created to hide close by it & hopefully the little one will move from the cool chair to the warmer hide to digest & you can retrive it & put it back in its home. At least you know where it is, so that parts taken care of. Fun Fun Good Luck Mark
EDIT: hooter beat me to it LOL :p

10-19-04, 02:13 PM
LOL... Okay thats funny.... like a mouse taking the cheeze but not setting the trap off :D

I agree.. go for the heat source now

10-19-04, 08:35 PM
That's funny, at least you know he didn't get mashed in the chair!!;)

10-20-04, 10:19 AM
Why can't you take the chair apart? Did you just get your snake? My snake doesnt like to be far from its home ever thats why I ask.

10-23-04, 07:29 PM
Good News!!! My snake Plisskin is back!!!!! I finally caught out of the chair looking for some warmth since he was very cold. After four days I thought he might have found some other escape route, but now he's back, yay!
If I had a camera right now I'd post his pic...
Thanks everyone for all your help.

10-26-04, 01:11 AM
A lesson learned is a lesson never forgotten.

Good Job!

Michael Andrew Boyko

10-29-04, 04:49 PM
Heh Plisskin, from metal gear solid. I named my female JC Meryll because of that game, heh.

10-29-04, 05:04 PM
actually no, it's from Escape from L.A. and Escape from New York, whatever, you know those awful movies with Kurt Russell playing 'Snake Plisskin' !!! It was just so perfect!

10-29-04, 05:05 PM
Plisskin looks just like my avatar...