View Full Version : Suddenly shy?

10-20-02, 03:08 AM
I fed Anoushka like 5 days ago, and while she usually climbs around, and tries to pull a houdini, she has just been in her hide box since I last fed her. I don't want to stress her by bugging her, but i lifted the box today to make sure she was ok, and she looked ok. She sticks her head out every once in a while. I figure shes fine, but last few times i fed her she did not become quite as reclusive. It has gotten a little chillier out here in so cal, but I have been monitoring her temps, and they seem adequate.

Any one think there might be something wrong? I sure hope not. I just will wait until she comes back out i guess. BTW, I havent made any major changes to her enclosure or anything.

10-20-02, 06:04 AM
Are you sure she isn't going into shed? Was the meal larger than usual?

10-20-02, 09:23 AM
I think shes just going to shed...
most of my snakes refuses to eat in shed cycle..

10-20-02, 03:28 PM
OH, thats possible. She shed when I first got her in August. I guess it it probably time for her to shed :-p

I thought she was hiding at that time because of her new surroundings, but I guess that may make sense. She doesnt <i>look</i> like shes going into shed.

Last time she ate even when she was a day away from shedding. Shes a good eater! :-D