View Full Version : bad shed...help plz!

10-18-04, 12:37 PM
ok so i thought that i might have a good shed this time around. i look in this morning to see this isnt the case. ive given him a bath or 2 already and set him inside a folded towel for a while after to help him remove the shed. i cant tell for certain about his head though. Is there a really easy way to see if his eye caps came off? they look clear to me but i didnt find a head section that came off also. the only piece of shed remaing then is aorund his neck just below his head and its loose but leads up to his head making me thing that the shed didnt go rigth at all. he seems active now with tounge flicking and very explorative but im just not sure. Is there any way to tell and if it still is there what else can i do to help it come off?

10-18-04, 07:29 PM
can no one offer any advice?

10-18-04, 08:46 PM
hmmm well shed aid usually helps. Also If you try leaving him overnight in a rubbermaid with damp not wet towels he should just rub it off. It worked like a charm for me the last time( I since then rose it up to 70% and have never had problems since). How high do you keep your humidity at? You really shouldn't be having problems if its around the 60%-70% range? Just try putting a towel over top if you can't seem to get it up or mist more often. Good luck and keep us posted.

10-18-04, 11:06 PM
I have had good luck with putting them in a damp pillow case then placing them back in their tank overnight.
If the skin is stuck on the body then i just put it in a container of water for about 1/2hr-45min (keep an eye on him/her while it in there) then remove it and the skin should come right off in your hands as it crawls through them.

next i would suggest fixing the husbandry problems, I am not sure what you are using for an incloser but if it has an open screen top then you will never keep the humidity up high enough.

I hope i helped Jason

10-19-04, 07:17 AM
thanks guys, I do have an aquarium but the opening is not on the top its on the front. Ive got the temps just right but its to amazingly dry where i live that nothing seems to work.

10-19-04, 11:26 AM
im having the same problem as arkuden has. my bp is shedding but i find the sheds in the waterbowl. my humidity ranges from 70% to 75%. The hot part of the cages is at 90% to 95% in the morning im using a regular light bulb. the cooler side stays constantly in the 80's. if the shed is wet does this mean that i have too much humidity? plsss help!!!!

10-19-04, 11:49 AM
Finding sheds in the water bowl probably means that some of your snakes skin came off in the bowl while slithering around...not because its too humid. What are you using for humidity? I usually keep my humidity at around 80-85% only when he is shedding.

10-19-04, 12:03 PM
i just use a waterbowl that about it. the humidity gauge reads 70% to 75%. my bo's skin looks shiny though does this mean that this is a good sign that he had shed already?

10-19-04, 12:23 PM
It could mean that he shed but have you found his skin yet? For his next shed, try to raise humidity when you see him turning "blue". I also add extra humidity by using a warm, wet hand towel and putting it in my snakes hide (which is over a UTH). Leave it in there for a few hours or overnight and make sure it stays warm. My snakes first shed was the same way, it came off in chunks cuz I didnt have it humid enough, but every shed since then has been healthy. My snake does not like soaking in water so the towel trick worked better for me. Im not positive but I think shiny skin probably means he did shed...look for the skin. Good luck.