View Full Version : Nuptial Pads (Pictures)

10-16-04, 10:27 PM
Our frogs have been calling so I just thought I’d post a few pics of nuptial pads. I’ve mentioned them a couple of times here but no one seemed to believe a normal person could find them.

These are from a 2yr old frog. He’s a very noisy creature, he calls 2-3 times louder than the others and he loves to croak (my wife is always stressing that the neighbors will complain). As you can see the pads are very obvious. There is a bit of color variation within species but even if there is no color there should be a swollen growth on the inside surface (facing the frog) and the thumb itself will be swollen. They are always there but only become obvious like this after a week or two of calling.


Edit: You can also see that this frog has a stained throat from calling. This is always apparent and females (of a lot of species anyway) usually always have a clearer color.

10-17-04, 08:59 PM
umm i dont think so. The nuptail pads are on the bottom of the foot

thanx froggy

10-17-04, 11:36 PM
I thought frogs hooked their thumbs when amplexing... at least mine always have therefor that would be the right spot, no?

10-18-04, 08:13 PM
UMM, i DO THINK SO! I've been watching them grow so I can get a photo!

I have witnessed this several times and they only swell like this in spring. In 3mths time they will be gone and I won't see them again untill next spring.

With amplexus (in this species) males tuck their fingers under and leave the thumbs out. This area is in exactly the right place for full contact.

I have no experience with most of the frogs you would keep and i'm sure different species would have evolved to suit their own needs but I assure you that I have watched this for just over two years with this being the third spring in a row where I have witnessed this growth and color change. This combined with the fact that they only appear on my males leads me to the conclusion that they must be nuptial pads.

This male is not properly locked in but you can see the fist and where contact will be made when he does go under. Right at the base of that thumb!


Now if you still don't beleive me I can take thumb pics of other males and females just so you know i'm not full of **** but...

10-18-04, 08:32 PM
Top of the thumbs. Mistydaze is right.

Great photos.

10-18-04, 08:57 PM
Yep.. nice frogs too by the way!

Were you thinking spadefoots frog man?

10-19-04, 02:26 PM
ohh sorry for the mix up i thought it was an american bull frog

:( i had a spade foot his name was buddy and he died from a bad cricket that had worms from super pet :( thanx for opening a wound lol :(