View Full Version : Guyanese breeding question.

10-16-04, 02:59 PM
I have a great pair of guyanese redtails I want to get breeding. Female is about 3-4 years old, pushin 7 feet, and thicker then a pop can. My question is regarding the male. He is about 5.5 feet and thin. He was more or less a rescue and was off feed for about a year (been eating for about a year now). My question is: What are optimal male health conditions necessary to induce breeding. Is he too thin? Should I just put them together and see what happens?
Thanks alot,

10-16-04, 03:40 PM
My first breeding of boas was with a three year old female that I raised up from a baby and a rescue male that was about 6.5', but he was only eating for about six months regularily after some major trauma to his face that put him off food for a year and a half before I got him. The breeding was very successfull with 22 babies, no stills and no slugs! So I believe as do some others that leaner male boas make better breeders than do big heavy ones. Anyways thats just my experience thought I'd share with you. Good luck with your project!
