View Full Version : My lizard likes to burrow.

10-15-04, 06:29 AM
My gecko has always liked to have a little burrow in the corner of his tank. Occassionally I'll come down in the morning and ther ewill be a corner that he's been digging at. I've not thought much about this much until this morning, when I came down to see that he's been burrowing around his whole tank and made a right mess.

Yesterday, I put in a new water bowl (larger than the previous one, and rough, so he can rub against it when shedding), a little bowl for meal worms, and a new cave for him, as his old one was old and needed replacing.

He'd been digging around every side of his tank (normally only does one corner), there's mountains of substrait in the middle of the tank, he's dug all around his water bowl and the new bowl for his meal worms, and around most of his new cave.

I just have a few questions.

Why does he do this? Up until last night, he rarely came out from either of his 2 caves, did show any interest in me, hardly ever roamed around the tank. Last night, he roamed loads. Is this because of his new bits I put in? Do lizards not like change?

Also, should I put all the substrait back and flatten it all out? or should I leave what he's done alone?

As you can probably tell, I don't have much experience with lizards. This is my first, I've only had it about 5 months.


10-15-04, 07:53 AM

10-15-04, 08:04 AM
Don't panic if nobody answers your post right away. At this time of day a lot of people are at work or school, so early morning posts could sit a while before anyone sees them. Not many of us are sitting at the keyboard waiting to pounce on a post to answer in record time. ;)

As for your lizard, it's hard to say what's normal if you don't let us know what kind of lizard it is. If it's an arboreal lizard such as day gecko or anole, it would be very strange behaviour, but it would be quite normal if it's a female terrestrial lizard/gecko looking for a place to lay eggs. If you're using a UTH and the general temperature is too low, he/she could be trying to dig down closer to the heat. Let us know what species you have, and the temperature, substrate and enclosure size and we might be able to give you a better idea.

10-15-04, 08:59 AM
Sorry for my impatience ;) I'm use to dance music sites, and having hundreds of people online all day spending more time posting than they do working ;)

My lizard is a high yellow leopard gecko. The tank it's in is 24 x 12 x 18 inches (it's an old fish tank I believe).

The substait is a hard sand sort of substance, not too sure exactly what it is as it was in there when I was given the gecko.

I think it might be becuase he is getting cold. The heat plate is 12 x 12 inches, and is on one side of the tank (under it). As as the tank is 18 inches tall, I feel it may be too big. I am looking at getting a new tank this weekend anyway, which is only about 12 inches tall. Maybe that would help. I'm not too sure what the temperature is either, as I don't have a temp gauge in there, but will do after this weekend.

Cheers :)

10-15-04, 09:15 AM
Hey, well first of all I have too point out that sand is not a good substrate for leo's , I know allot of people still use it, but I have lost one gecko too eating sand, so I am on the side of the people who say its not worth the risk. From what I read I first though something must be bothering it, because you said it was piled up in the center of the tank which gives me the picture of a gecko running around the size of the tank trying too go through the glass and pushing all the sand out behind him. Now all you have too do is figure out what is making the gecko try too escape, Depending on the size of the gecko it might be too large for the cage , it could also be stress which could be because of temps, humidity, and most likely just the change in his cage . Give him a bit too calm down, if it keeps up start checking other factors. I would also suggest changing the substrate.

I just realized I missed part of your last post. If it were because of the cold you would notice the gecko staying on the heat, not all over the cage. But that may still be the problem. Also you should really know the heat, I would not get a smaller cage, maybe a mostly solid top, and defiantly a temp gauge. I would suggest investing in a laser temp gun; you can get not only the temp of any spot on the substrate and also the air temp. The cheapest place too get one is at a restaurant supply store.

Good luck,

10-15-04, 09:16 AM
if u get a temp gauge get a electronic one with a probe that can be but anywhere in the tank

10-15-04, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by DragnDrop
but it would be quite normal if it's a female terrestrial lizard/gecko looking for a place to lay eggs. If you're using a UTH and the general temperature is too low, he/she could be trying to dig down closer to the heat.

I have to agree with Hilde here. That definitely sounds like egg-laying behaviour. Especially since the gecko is digging around its hide as well as multiple other spots. Are you sure its a male? Although I agree that the geckos (both sexes) will dig deep, looking for heat, they usually do this right over the UTH - assuming any of the heat is reaching the surface for the geckos to feel.

I find that some of my geckos will dig even if they are carrying infertile eggs. They just don't usually bury the eggs in the holes they dug.

10-15-04, 02:07 PM
Cheers guys.

I'm going to get a new tank for him tomorrow anyway, as the one I have is cracked near the top. I'm thinking of getting one the same size, just 12 inches high though, instead of th 18 it currently is. Also with a strip light so he can bask ontop of his cave as I've heard the like to bask under a light.

When I said that there was a mountain in the middle, I was just meaning that it had piled up in the middle, it doesn't look like he's actually made the pile that way on purpose.

His sex? I don't know to be honest. I don't actually know how to check.

I'm keeping an eye on him to see if he'll do it again. I've flattened the surface out, and put back a fake branch with leefs that I took out last night. Maybe it was too much of a change for him or something.

What's the best substrait for a leopard gecko?

lostwithin - The tank is plenty big enough. I's 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 18 inches high.

10-15-04, 03:06 PM
Instead of getting a less deep cage, why not just put some things for him to climb on? I would recommend the stick on turtle things, the ones with suction cups on it you use with turtles to provide a basking spot, or even some branches and whatnot to use the height, my geckos love to climb in the stick on plants I have, I am sure your would use the extra space also...
a small breakin the top of the tank is nothing to worry about, no reason to change the cage... just try to use up more space. Anyway you can post pics of your set up?