View Full Version : Respiratory Infection

10-14-04, 07:46 PM
Hey as we talked about before the possibilities of having a respiratory infection with my sav it turns out its looking like he might now have one, I can't however get into the vets immediatly because of the lack of reptile vets in the area so I've turned up his cage temps day and night to about 95 at night, and injected his mice with a good amount of vitamin powder. I've read all over the net that this method should be able to help the monitor cure himself as he has not become lethargic and still eats like a pig and his breathing is not labored, although he is sneezing alot more and im sure i saw some liquid coming from his nostrils as well as him sounding like he has cotton mouth. If theres anything else I can do before I get him to the vet please let me know immediatly, thanks in advance.

10-14-04, 07:53 PM
Raise humidity?

10-14-04, 07:59 PM
Id take him to a vet now for peace of mind...