View Full Version : mites

Dr. Strangelove
10-14-04, 06:52 PM
I discovered my bci has mites. It's approx. 20" long. I bathed it in a diluted solution of NIX, along with it's rubber maid enclosure. All that's in the enclosure is a sheet of paper towel and a water bowl. A couple days later I notice a couple of specks that resemble poppy seeds on the wall or floor of the enclosure. They don't move and when I squeeze them between my finger nails they smudge. They don't appear to be alive. I never see anything on the snake. I repeat the ritual again a week later with the NIX and again I see a couple of poppy seed specks that I assume are mites a few days later, but never on the snake. Am I doing this right? If not can someone direct this BCI rookie in the right direction. Thanks, Dr. Strangelove.