View Full Version : proper snake handling techniques

10-14-04, 11:06 AM
Hi everybody

Although, I have several lizards, I am new to snakes and have a few questions before I get my first snake. I have been doing a lot of research, but have had difficulty finding a site that will offer info on proper snake handling techniques. Could anybody provide me with a link and or info. on snake handling and transport?

Thanks so much!

10-14-04, 11:36 AM
Depends on what you plan on keeping. Venomous snake handling and handling of large boids have special requirements.

Assuming you mean harmless snakes (non-ven colubrids and small boids), some general rules are: Keep the snake's body as well supported as possible while handling, especially for heavy-bodied terrestrial snakes. Dont firmly restrain the snake unless you need to (for example administering medication). Allow the snake to move freely, but redirect it to keep it in your hands. Using a hook to remove them from their cage can help with snakes that have strong feeding responses (cal-kings for example). Move slowly but confidently. Dont fear the bite. It may happen some day, and it's not so bad. Try not to jerk away if you get bit. Makes it worse for both you and the snake.

Snakes like corns are dead easy to handle. The hardest thing to handle in my collection is my tokay gecko.

Hope this helps