View Full Version : Where to mount heat panel ? Advice pls

10-13-04, 05:00 PM

Okay... I got two new helix heat panels to mount in my vision 222 style cages, they measure 24X24X28 (LXWXH). The heat panels measure 11X16, it was PCPets smallest units.

I have two small flourecent fixtures mounted to the top of the cages, one on each side, they are not terribly strong.. something like 15 watts. I like the extra light for the pothos plants i got growing in there..

Anyhow.. Below are pics on how I could mount it... pls take a gander and lemme know which way you would pick?
Obviously some ways will mean losing a light on one side (not a terrible deal)

BTW... these panels will be connected to ESU Thermostats with the probes mounted somewhere below the panels.

Empty Tank, looking at roof:

Position one (lose one light):

Position two:

Position three:

Position four:

Position five (lose one light):

So what would you choose?
ThanX for the advice guys!!! :D

10-13-04, 06:16 PM

10-13-04, 07:36 PM
position 4!!;)

10-13-04, 07:38 PM
I would mount position 1 personally

10-13-04, 07:46 PM
Anyone else wanna chime in?
I sooo cant decide :(

Thnx :D

10-13-04, 07:49 PM
Four..but will you still achive the heat gradient you need?

10-13-04, 07:49 PM
Keep in mind the lights can be moved any which way.. they dont have to stay where they are :D

10-13-04, 08:05 PM
I would say 1 because you will get a heat gradient across and diagonally...in the middle it's the same on either side of the cage....I say that would give you your best gradient....4 is a bad idea

10-13-04, 08:12 PM
Anyone else ?? :D

10-13-04, 08:19 PM
Off to either side for sure for gradient purposes.


10-13-04, 08:22 PM
Shadow in the middle you'll have the same temp up again both walls...either way you'll have the same temp underneath the panel so it is always offered. the opposite side to the one it's on would be lower then any temp u'd get if mounted in the middle...therefore a bigger temp gradient...therefore, mount on one side

10-13-04, 08:27 PM
Why would it matter if it was mounted in the middle? I mean would you still not get a vertical Temperature gradient??? I plan on mounting perches with probes attached so it gets around 85 at the top most perch...

10-13-04, 08:28 PM
Alright.. u guys got me pretty much convinced... I guess its going to one side or the other :)

10-13-04, 08:35 PM
Good call...top to bottom you would get the temp gradient anywhere...but you wouldn't get as good across if it was in the middle....what if it wants to perch in a cold spot??? in the middle no perch will be cooler...


10-13-04, 08:48 PM
what about mounting the lights on the front and back.. NOT on the top but a bit down the side.. Will give you the whole top to posistion the RHP..

10-13-04, 08:50 PM
Arrrggg.. now I got another problem...

Dang mount points are right over a groove on the roof that is used for stacking the cages... which means if I use a screw through the plastic... the cage that goes on top will not sit right...

Anyone ever secure these things using silicone?

Ugg.. I gotta figure this out ...

Maybe position 5??? that would still offer a nice gradient from front to back..

10-13-04, 09:57 PM
I use liqiud nails. I can't really see much a temp difference between P1 and P4. Will a couple of inches make al tat much of a difference in the temp gradient across the tank.

Brent Strande
10-13-04, 10:20 PM
Remember that most arboreals prefer the highest perch that they can find... so you NEED a horizontal gradient

10-14-04, 09:35 AM
The snakes I plan on putting in there are semi arboreal

Brent Strande
10-14-04, 10:43 AM
Then you'll DEFINITELY want it off to one side, so that it won't require a semi-arboreal snake to climb every time that it wants heat!

You're planning on 3 diff perch heights? What kind of snake is going in there?

10-14-04, 11:34 AM
I think he said jungles

10-14-04, 11:39 AM

Brent Strande
10-14-04, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Ptindy
I think he said jungles

I must've missid it in his 10 of the 21 posts in this thread! Oops.