View Full Version : Looking for importers and advice
10-13-04, 02:58 PM
Hi, well I have been thinking about starting a few projects with 2 species that are far from common, in fact I’ve have come to believe that I will need too purchase WC animals, simply because it is the only option out there. What I am wondering is if anybody has any experience with importing animals, or if they have any contacts that do. I would like any advice they are willing too give me on dealing with imported animals as well as names of good importers too deal with, One species is native too Indonesia the other is a S. American species. Any help advice and suggestions on importers would be great.
10-13-04, 04:03 PM
It depends on the CITES classification of the animal, and if the country of their origin allows exports. Indonesia and S.America are pretty open for the most part, but they also have a bunch of CITES I animals. It would help to know which species you're looking for, as t may be available in Canada, you just may not know where to look. If it doesn't exist up here, there's probably a reason for it. (Hard/impossible to breed, CITES I, etc.)
10-14-04, 10:56 AM
From what I have read they are very hard too keep and breed. Which is why they are so rare. Tribolonotus gracilis-commonly called a crocodile skink is one of them I could not find there CIETS status. The other species is Dracaena guianensis commonly called Caiman Lizard They are listed as CITES II. But so are many species now and days. I am a bit more interested in the T. gracilis but would like too eventually make an attempt with both of these species. I would love to find out I was just looking in the wrong places, because I would have better chances of getting healthier animals. But from what I have re so far both are not common at all in the pet trade.
I've got a pair of them. They were laying eggs in the store I got them from, but I haven't had any eggs at home yet.
Super cute, super shy but lovely little buggers.
10-14-04, 11:42 AM
I've seen the Crocodile Skinks quite often in petstores. I'm pretty sure theres one at the store closest to my house right now. You should be able to find some in Canada anyway as I have seen them quite often. Check with the wholesalers out of Ontario & I'm sure someone must have some available to them. Mark
10-14-04, 11:43 AM
I am trying too avoid going through a pet store, although I was wrong about them being very rare, at least the crocodile skinks, there are lots of wc specimens available in the U.S. I was on ************** and they have them up from lots of places on that site, It figures I didn’t even think too look there, I feel somewhat foolish.
They are amazing little animals and i am amazed there aren't more in Canada.
Do you mind me asking how much you picked them up for??
10-14-04, 11:47 AM
You've got a pair of which? The Caiman lizard or the croc skink?
Devon, they do look like interesting species to work with. You should first work on getting a business license though, as most importers do not deal with the general public. The ones that do won't export to canada unless you have a $1000 order. But, for what it's worth, I'm on the mailing list for Burgundy Reptile Traders ( in the states. I've heard more good than bad about them, but ANY importer is going to have the occasional disease-infested animals that won't survive, much less breed.
Massasauga Imports has em on their pricelist now. Find the closest distributor near you.
10-14-04, 01:19 PM
Most importers won't sell to you unless you are a dealer. Why not just go into Pets Unlimited on Prospect street and ask them to check their importer list. I know they delt with Mirdo when I was living in Freddy but I don't know if they still do. Also you may want to try Reptile Amazon in Montreal.
10-14-04, 02:01 PM
Hi, they do deal with Mirdo, and in fact I remember last year Caiman lizards were available through them, IF you are willing too pay the 500% markup. And I know mirdo will not deal with you unless your a dealer. I will stop by and talk too them though, no harm in trying.
10-14-04, 02:27 PM
Who cares about the markup if this is a species you really want to work with?
I have a pair of the Tribbies/Crocodile Skinks. I presume they were wild caught, because they were adults when I got them, and it was 300$ for the pair about a year and a half ago.
Haven't seen others for sale so I don't know if I was ripped off or got a good deal but I think the insane cuteness is worth it.
Had them seperated for most of last year because the female had stopped eating and was loosing weight. Now she's gained a lot of weight, really dosed up on her calcium and back in with her boyfriend. Got my fingers crossed that soon I might have some eggs!
10-14-04, 02:36 PM
There was an article on keeping and breeding tribbies in one of the reptile magazines a few years back. If I remember correctly, some zoo in ?Texas? was working with them. They did get eggs but I have no clue how the babies fared, it's been too long since I read it. I do remember though that they're tricky to keep, and worse to breed. The one thing I got out of the article is that you really REALLY have to be devoted to them to get them breeding - somewhat like Urpolatus geckos. It sure would be great to have someone attempt to get captive bred stock going. If you do get some, I hope you manage it, they're great little animals.
10-14-04, 03:22 PM
If you can find them locally, you're much better off. There are several things to consider when dealing with exporters, especially over seas exporters. When we were importing from over seas, our lowest shipping bill was around $1300. As someone mentioned before, most exporters have large min. orders to ensure that the deal is worth their while. Lastly, I have heard numerous times about different dealers taking money for animals and never shipping the order.
On the positive side, if you import more than you are looking for, you can always cherry pick the ones that you want and sell the remaining animals to other enthusiasts
Corey Woods
10-14-04, 08:58 PM
Right now shipping out of Indo is running in around $18 per kilogram. With most importers min order running in the thousands of $$$ that's a lot of animals you have to purchase......and a lot of weight. You'll also have to pay tax comming into Canada as well as having most customs agents telling you you have to register a "your" business as you can't be bringing in 100+ $5 animals for "pets".
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