View Full Version : New Digital Camera ? ? ?

10-11-04, 04:17 PM
I was just curious as to if any of you can tell me what are some names of digital cameras that take good closeups that wont cost me an arm and a leg.Ive been wanting one for a while now, but it just seems everytime i get the money to buy a digital camera some new herp of some kind finds its way into my bank account.IM NOT LETTING IT HAPPEN THIS TIME I SWEAR !!!So if you have any ideas let me know thanks!

10-11-04, 04:27 PM
Well, you get what you pay for reptiguy. If you want resolution your going to lose quality in magnification ability and what not if you stay at the mediocre range for digicams. I would say a decent one is around 400-500 dollars. You go any lower then 400 and your getting crappy resolution. Kodak has a digicam around 500 that can magnify up to 10 times and the LCD (display screen) is about twice the size as the others. Other ones in this price range you have only 3 or 4 times magnification but they have higher resolution. I would not worry about memory capabilities at all as all can use cards that will up it memory significantly. Memory is cheaper to pay for in the memory stick opposed to buying one with it built into the camera. I would go to a futureshop or something like that and ask to see and use different cameras. But like I said, you get what you pay for and I wouldn't go the cheap route with a digicam. My two cents.


10-11-04, 05:29 PM
Dont worry too much about the amount of megapixels. Canon and Nikon models are good at taking closeup pictures. Here is a good site that reviews digital cameras.


10-11-04, 05:33 PM
Canon Powershot A80 is the best bang for your buck.

10-11-04, 05:41 PM
Thanks for the help and replies you guys i appreciate it

10-11-04, 05:45 PM
I have a sony cybershot 3.2 mp and ive never been more satisfied with this cam. The price has dropped quite a bit since last year but the new ones are a bit more expensive. Mine is last years and it is still amazing imo!

I have some pics in my gallary that I used my cam with..check them out if ya want :)

10-11-04, 06:12 PM
wow those are some pretty nice pics...congrats you have some great looking reptiles there!

10-11-04, 06:41 PM
Im using the fugi S602Zoom, I find it works really well, it has the regular old snap and shoot feature but also has all the professional settings aswell, the selling feature for me was it had a super macro feature ontop of the regular macro function... anyways best of luck in your search...

http://www.slitheringserpents.com/images/pics/purple flower.JPG

paul vader
10-20-04, 01:15 AM
I checked into it before I purchased...the one make that was always toted for close-ups was Nikon...I know Canon is great as well, but hands down the general opinion I encountered was Nikon...I purchased the 4300 coolpix it was taxes in total (with 256 memory 1 year ago $800) cam alone was $550...plus Nikon (was/is?) the only maker offering a 2 year warranty...I purchased 2 more for forty bucks...other makers will offer extended warranties...I know sony's was about $100...check into it before you purchase...bottom line. ;) cheers