View Full Version : My new Lizard

10-09-04, 01:25 PM
I just bought a baby green basilisk about 4 days ago. I got it for 40 dollars, and its about 8 inches long. i dont know if its a male or a female but i hope its a male. does any body know how to tell a male from a female? Thanks

Kevin McRae
10-10-04, 10:24 PM
You will have to wait till it's mature to be sure.

I was offered a sub-adult pair for 70.00$, but I didn't have the time to check them out...

10-11-04, 12:04 AM
Basilisks are SOOOOOOOOOO cool, I wish I had the room for them. The males have crests and the plumes usually, you'll definately be able to tell when its grown up.


10-11-04, 04:53 PM
also, does anybody know how to tame a basilisk? its really really wild. i just tap the glass and he goes crazy running around the tank. when i get him and i hold him he's really calm, but when i put him down, he runs around crazily again. Can anybody give me some suggestions?