View Full Version : starting to breed mice, some co2 questions

10-18-02, 05:34 PM
Hey all, I'm just starting to breed mice for my snakes, and want to use CO2 to kill them (not interested in trying whacking, etc). I was wondering, should go with dry ice or a CO2 canister? I figure on only having about 4 colonies of 1.3 going, at least for awhile... is it worth getting a canister?

If not, could someone give me a basic description of how they use dry ice (how do you keep the mice away from it?)


10-18-02, 06:09 PM
Hey cas, I am just beginning to breed mice and rats myself. I really would like to pick up a canister and a regulator for killing them no matter what. But I'm probably just going to build a 5 gallon tank with a egg crate bottom to or some hardware cloth in the bottom and use pvc tubs to raise it up so I can put water and dry ice in the bottom and rats and mice on the top. Check your local gas supply places on what it cost for a canister of Co2.
Around me I just pay for the gas and the deposit on the cylinder never actually paying for the cylinder. The only real expense would be a regulator wich I have not priced yet. The only reason I recommend a good regulator is that it will have a pressure gauge built onto it.

Good luck.

10-18-02, 06:37 PM
I looked into the cannisters a while back and they are quite expensive initially, but I believe they would be worth it in the long run.

10-20-02, 07:39 PM
Thank you both! I'll look around and see what I can find for canisters and what they cost.

Syst3m, that's a good idea! I'll probably try soemthing similar if I end up using dry ice.


10-21-02, 07:43 PM
Just gotta cover the top Cas, I dont think I mentioned that :)
Welding supply and fire extinguisher supply places are good places to look for Co2, and you dont need a LARGE canister. The smallest one they have will most likely be just fine.

This guy has a good pic of his mouse gas chamber.

And a little info on what you need.