View Full Version : A lil piece of info...

10-08-04, 06:32 PM
Just thought I'd share an anecdote. A few weeks back Jordan brought me a couple of racer babies (CB) for me to try my hands on getting started. Being excited as I was, I tried all my best, assist-fed, force-fed pink parts, tried insects (crix didn't work for Jordan either). So after a few weeks I've only managed to maintain teir weight with no further progress.

As some of you know, I have a bunch of housesnake hatchlings which haven't started feeding for me (holding out for live pinks I suppose). Amongst the bunch there was one in particular I didn't feel good about and it was a real tiny runt compared to the rest of the worms. Well, what do I do, but pop the runt in with one of the racers just to see if it'll take.

Today, I came back home to an amok space heater heating up the room to 94F (not soo bad) and two dead racers. I had left the racers by the window to get some sunlight since my herp room was cooler than usual. So 2 dead racers. Then I remember about that run housesnake and start looking to see if it was alive. Damn thing was dead, in the belly of the racer. :p

Lessons learnt for today:

1: Don't ever trust your space heater 100%

2: Don't leave herps near sunny windows unattended

3: Next time I get unstarted CB racers, feed em house snakes!! :p

10-08-04, 11:30 PM
lol, that sucks, good luck with the remainder though,

Tim and Julie B
10-09-04, 01:13 AM
That's a lot to learn for one day.....you must be tired! :p

Jk Sorry about that Vanan.........Man I would love to try some cb blk racers out. Gook luck.

10-10-04, 05:28 PM
Interesting that they were willing to take a house snake! Too bad that you lost them all to the overheating - they are pretty neat snakes - would have been great to see them grow up,

mary v.

10-11-04, 12:45 AM
To bad. O well. It happens.


10-11-04, 10:17 AM
Actually, I wasn't that broken up about the heat killing them thing. Well ok I was, but the point of the post was to point out how ophidiophagous baby racers are. Many start them on brown snakes in the US. Seems that crix or smaller snakes are the way to get em going. It'll be really interesting seeing a racer chasing down a snake in the wild.