View Full Version : Starting Bcc + some baby pics

10-08-04, 03:49 PM
Well, they have all begun to shed. So far 5 have shed. For the few on these forums that have produced Bcc, how did you find was the most successful way of starting them? I tried f/t rat pups from tongs with no success, the only live rats that were close enough to the size was a day old pink, and the snuffed that as well. I wasn't making it a *serious* attempt, just sort of a trial to see who would take what, as most of them are still in shed and I am really crammed for time with an exam in a few days and Thanksgiving :/ I was just wondering what you guys found to be the most successful method of starting these guys, so I don't have to beat around the bush trying all the different methods and wasting feeders that I don't have :/

<img src="http://ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/2203.jpg">

<img src="http://ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/2204.jpg">

<img src="http://ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/2205.jpg">

<img src="http://ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/2201.jpg">

10-08-04, 05:24 PM
sooooo pretty

10-08-04, 05:55 PM
Smokin', especially the first one, sweet pinks on them. Pm me when they are ready I would love to grab one of those off ya.:thumbsup:

10-08-04, 06:07 PM
Great lookers!!

10-08-04, 06:49 PM
I like #1 and #4 the best. Very different, but equally as INTENSE!!!!!!!

10-08-04, 07:11 PM
your rite Jeff i like 1 and 4 as well ,let us now when thay are ready for ther new homes ,Congrads thay are to sweet

10-08-04, 07:14 PM
Freakin' incredible snakes.

10-08-04, 09:29 PM
I keep all of my baby BCC in show boxes. I wait about 5 days after they shed and toss in a live rat pink or fuzzy mouse. Some will take a few hours before they decide to eat (I live them in there overnight). All of mine usually take it, some just slack more than others....

10-09-04, 02:24 AM
I totally agree with Red in the tail, works well for me with my common babies every time so far! Good luck Linds!


10-09-04, 09:30 AM
Awsome Linds;)

For feeding,

Dont worry Its to early to start worrying.... Some will eat after their first shed some will eat after their second and some will eat after their third shed ( in extreme cases ). Even if you dont see it, they still have undigested fluids in them. Some will have more than others. Pic #2 & pic#4 are a good exemple of that, those two i would wait at least one more week before offering anything to them. Keep them in separate containers at 28-30C. Wait a few days and offer them day old thawed pink rats. If they dont take them right away leave them overnight in their containers. If they dont take them even if you left them overnight, try it again a week later. If you feed live, make sure the pinks are about a day old if they are big and move to much the baby boas can get stressed and refuse their first meal.

I would really not worry for now these guys seem to be in perfect shape;)


10-09-04, 01:24 PM
Thanks for the the compliments and advice everyone! :D Only 5 left to shed, and they are looking better than I had hoped! :D

I'm not worried at all, as you said it is far too soon to even bother with being worried. I was just wondering what would be the best way to try them as to not waste.

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/2221.jpg">
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/2219.jpg">
<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/2220.jpg">

Ryan and Katie
10-09-04, 02:39 PM
Sweet!!!! They look so clean! Keep the pics coming.

10-09-04, 02:42 PM
Spectacular babies Linds!


10-09-04, 03:20 PM
Holy Linds -- those are some SMOKING babies!! :D Their tails are incredible, to say nothing of their patterns -- absolutely awesome! I think someone should give me one for Christmas :p Not that THAT will happen... lol. But it's worth a try.

Congrats again, and best of luck getting them all started! :)


Brent Strande
10-09-04, 03:37 PM
Now those are some AMAZING looking boas. I love how clean the pattern is as well as the outstanding tails!

By far, the BEST boas that I've ever seen! No lie...

10-10-04, 09:52 AM
Damn LInds they are amazing, when and if ya sell them gimmie an e-mail :)

10-11-04, 09:47 AM
Thanks for the kind words everyone! They have all shed, but one. Soon as he catches up with the rest, I will try and get a folder of pics assembled.

10-12-04, 08:02 PM
Congrats Linds a well deserved pat on the back for you.

Good luck with them


10-13-04, 01:31 PM
Thanks Dan!