View Full Version : Mealworm & Superworm Colonies

10-07-04, 11:41 PM
Hi all.

I'm trying to get a good supply of mealworms and superworms going. I need to produce around 2000 - 3000 per week. I'm curious as to how many beatles I'll need to supply my demand? And also wondering what other peoples setups are like?

I do already have established colonies of both worms - so I'm familiar with the basics(pupating, heat, food, ect.)

My system isn't working as fast as I'd like to be - any help would be great!

10-08-04, 07:45 AM
I don't know numbers very well, so I couldn't tell you exactly how many to start with, I just sort of wing it. To get larger, efficient colonies it is best to use a rotation system for both.

Have several containers (lidless or screened top works best, since moldy substrate forms easily in humidity and has to be tosses along with precious eggs) setup with substrate (the more varied you make it the more nutritious it will be). Place a bunch of beetles in a container for a couple weeks, then move them to the next container and leave them there to do their business and so forth. By doing this you allow them to lay max eggs. Replace beetles as needed and use as many containers as you feel works best.

Pretty much same concept as mealies, except they seem to do much better when they have hiding spots and places to lay their eggs, such as layers of bark in each container.

Remember that worms of both species will eat the beetles! Good luck :)

10-08-04, 09:56 AM
super worms like it warm. they do better in temp of high 70-low 80s. lot of good food.
2-3 thousand a week might be easyer to buy them in bulk.

10-08-04, 07:14 PM
Thanks for the info that's basically the setup that I have now(though I do need more containers)

I'm' trying to breed them for a woman who rehabilates wild birds - and to feed my own animals, and so trying to keep costs down by breeding myself.

Any more info or ideas would be appreciated - Thanks!