View Full Version : Toe vibrating in Poison Dart Frogs?

Jordan B
10-07-04, 08:28 PM
I understand this is a typical behavior in the frogs, but can someone explain its purpose and tell me some more about it? Also, is there a scientific term for the tapping/twitching/vibrating that the toe's do? Thanks,


10-07-04, 10:13 PM
I think it may be a terratorial, or mating display. Not too sure, would make sense tho.

Double J
10-07-04, 10:19 PM
No..... a reasonable guess.... but incorrect. But hey, good try.

Based on what I have read, the toe tapping is actually used to assist in finding food. That is... the vibrations from the tapping may sound like rain to termites within a termite mound, or in a piece of wood. These vibrations stimulate them to leave their nests. The frog can then pick them off as they come out of the opening. A neat little trick.
It is probable that there are other reasons for this behaviour, though this is the only one that I am aware of.

Double J

10-07-04, 10:21 PM
I thought about that, but then second geussed myselk b/c these guys are so small. BUT dont judge a book by it's cover. Thanx for the info

Jordan B
10-07-04, 10:29 PM
Thanks Double J (and snakehunter). That is really interesting. Do you think that it could possibly be used for communication and/or breeding as well?


Double J
10-07-04, 10:38 PM
With respect to breeding.... it's all about the calls. The toe tapping does not play into breeding, just feeding. When the males start calling, that is the dendrobatid equivalent of a deep manly voice like Barry White's.