View Full Version : Big Scare

10-06-04, 11:55 AM
Yesterday when I was feeding my 2 golden geckos one of them escaped the enclosure and took off across the room on the wall. He is larger than the female, who never tries to escape, and alot quicker too. After about an hour of searching behind my roommates bed and mine we found him eating some strange crickets that aparently have been living in the dark corners of our room!! Strange right? To make a long story short we eventually caught him but that was a big scare because he is so fast and there are so many places for him to hide. Has this happened to any of you ?

10-06-04, 01:31 PM
LOL one of the reasons I don't like arboreal geckos :p At work, cleaning and feeding them was always fun :rolleyes: More 'almost' escapes that I care to count, but none actually succeeded. LOL... anything that is fast and can scale walls is just not cool for me ;) Kudos on catching the little bugger!

10-06-04, 01:40 PM
Yup. My male Golden Gecko took his chance one night when I accidently left the enclosure open an inch.

He was gone for about three days, then I found him on the wall near the ceiling one night. :)


VI Reptiles
10-06-04, 02:01 PM
I would just close the door windows etc so he cant get outside and go from there

10-06-04, 02:06 PM
I had to clean the tank of a flying gecko and it is NOT easy.

Arboreal's are very interesting though!

10-07-04, 06:21 AM
the first day i brought my crested home, i went to pick him up to trasfer him to his new enclosure and he leapt like spiderman. spent 20 mins trying to catch him. had to move furniture and coax him out of the heating vent.

10-07-04, 02:02 PM
:-p everytime i open my cresties cage and he's near the top he heads for my doors poster next to his cage climbs right to the top and sits there by my ceiling, kinda scares me that one time I wont be able to catch him thats a decent sized leap luckily now though ive got to where i can get him to hit my hand before the wall and he chills out for a little while

Tim and Julie B
10-07-04, 02:24 PM
I had a nice community tank for about five years unitl my cat decided to jump on it. cave the lid in. So I woke up to dead tree frogs and anoles and house geckos running around on the walls. Those are really fun to catch!

10-07-04, 10:18 PM
I had a house gecko escape, fast and about two inches long, so that took a while.

Kevin McRae
10-07-04, 10:57 PM
I have had my house gecko escape, he was lose in the house for over a year, the cat got him twice but he survied:)