View Full Version : Sexing Scorpions???????????

10-06-04, 12:50 AM
I have just purchased an Asian Scorpion from the pet store and I was wondering if there is any way to tell if it is a male or female???

I would also like to know were a good caresheet is about taking care of asian scorpions????

Please help me...........

10-08-04, 04:45 PM
So I guess no one will help me hey????

Gregg M
10-08-04, 05:19 PM
It is easiest to tell male from female if you had separate sexes next to eachother...... It is also different in other species...... You can tell from tail thickness and length...... You can also tell by the length of the "fingers" one the wing like formations on the under side of scorpion...... Hope this helps alittle.....

10-09-04, 12:05 AM
I think what Gregg means by the "finger" on the "wing like formations" are the teeth on the pectine. :D In Heterometrus, the length of the pectines aren't too distinct and you'd need both sexes side by side to tell them apart. I've seen a picture showing the angle of the pectines and it seems that's a better way of sexing Heterometrus. Posting a pic of the underside would also help.

10-09-04, 03:37 AM
thank you very much......aaron

10-09-04, 07:59 AM
If it is in more of a 'V' shape and the connecting part in the middle is a bit pointed it is a male. If the middle part is rounded at the top and the pectines are more horizontal, it is a female.
