View Full Version : Chinese Cave Gecko shedding Q's

10-05-04, 06:46 PM
about 4-5 days ago when spraying down my G. Luii's enclosure, i caught a glimpse of him and almost freaked.. all i saw was this milky white. after i took his log off him i realized he was only shedding. i just checked him and he still has completed his shed.. still has most of it on and he is really white.

my question is... should i soak him? i know to do that with dragons and other animals but wanted to be safe rather than sorry. i assume its the right thing, but......


10-06-04, 07:24 AM
Their shed is thicker than one of a leopard gecko and they do take longer to completely shed.

That's why they need high humidity environnement and spraying is not enough..

Do you recall this post ?

You can try a bath this time, but this is only proof that your setup is not adequat.


10-07-04, 06:13 AM
i apolgize. i did not see your response to my previous post regarding spraying not being adequate. i'll replace his substrate this weekend. I did happen to get some moss recently and only used a fraction of it so have plenty on hand. i did step up my spraying when i saw him shedding and his shedding does seem like its progressing well, but will try a soak also.

i do understand what you mean by the pet store guys and i did take their advise with about a pound of salt. i wasnt pleased to see that he was housed with a different species and one that required quite different conditions from what i know (AFT).

in regards to the humidity, is there an inexpensive way to set up a dripper or should i just stick with a commercial one?

10-07-04, 07:38 AM
I simply use a 8 oz styrofoam glass ou plastic glass and make a hole in the bottom with a pin. I let the water fall on their hiding spot or plant so it platters around a bit. I do this about 3-4 times a week.

I have about 3 inches of soil in there and I try to allways have about 2 inches of soil that stays humid all the time.

A good trick is to put a plant in there, she'll tell you when your soil is not humid enough. :)

good luck