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10-05-04, 05:39 PM
well i live in Florida and it was scorching hot.i was sweating.Do u think Ruphus might die?i hope not he's cool?any one else have this experience

10-07-04, 01:51 PM
Um, I dont think it got too hot for him unless you have in front of a window or something in which case move him immediatly but don't you have a therm. in there? Beardies like high temps around 115 with ease and I don't think it got too much hotter than that, however if it gets alot hotter than that concider moving him to the coolest spot in your house if possible.

10-07-04, 02:22 PM
i accidently made this post a new one it was supposed to be a reply.some one asked me if it was cold where i lived.

10-19-04, 02:19 PM
well what do you thermometers read? Just keep a close eye on them in the future and as beanersmysav said never put a tank in directly sunlight or it will only amplify the heat level in your dragons cage. What do you normally keep your temps at?