View Full Version : Twitching

10-04-04, 09:27 AM
Ok my Black Throat has started to swtich all the time, it's his limbs and feet that do it. Even when he is just laying there they twitch. I am very perplexed becuase his temps and feeding schedual are all the same I checed them last yesterday, he is also drinking alot more then usual. Any one who knows what this could possibly be please lemme know.

10-04-04, 03:31 PM
Well when I got home from school he was no longer twitching wich is great :D so I'm not as worried but I'm still gonna keep a close eye on him!

10-05-04, 07:09 AM
twitching is often an early sign of a calcium deficiency. Do you give your monitor any form of vitamin D3 supplementation?

10-05-04, 09:41 AM
yupp every time he eats any inverts or cooked meats. and he get it from the bones in his mice too. but he is a rescue so I can't say what he got before I've had him, which has only been a month.

10-05-04, 12:36 PM
Trembling and some twitching can be the signs of MBD onset, animals extremities will also twitch prior to death. Glad your little guy has stopped for now, hopefully he recovered from whatever the cause was.

10-05-04, 03:16 PM
Well when I got home from school today I found him laying on his stomach not moving, not even breathing. Needless to say I was crushed :( I've made an appointment at my local vet to do a postmortem or what ever it is called in reptiles to se what it was.

I'm thinkin it might have been MBD cuz he was pretty sickly when I got him, well I gave it my best shot.

10-05-04, 03:23 PM
Very sorry for your loss.


10-05-04, 03:28 PM
So sorry...

VI Reptiles
10-05-04, 04:16 PM
sorry man, I hate when stuff like this happens. But I would do the same thing, let the vet figure out what happened so maybe you can correct it next time it happens.

10-05-04, 09:21 PM
Sorry to hear about your monitor.

In future, avoid the cooked meats and keep with whole foods. Also, keep in mind that lack of calcium quite often isn't the problem with MBD - it's the lack of ability to absorb calcium due to insufficient vitamin D3.

10-05-04, 10:33 PM
SB, send me a PM if you'd be interested in an established BT. I have males, and females. quite a few adults. Unfortunatly due to college I dont have the time to take care of all of them (however id never get rid of them all, they rock to much!!)

Sorry for your loss.

10-08-04, 09:16 PM
Good luck; I know how that feels so hang in there!