View Full Version : New bp... no real cage/heatsource?

10-03-04, 07:09 PM
My dad went out and randomly bought a baby ball python. I'm trying to do some research on how to take care of it, and I have a question about its cage setup.

All we have right now is this little plastic carrier cage for it with a water dish and a little cardboard box for it to hide in. (Why my dad went out and bought a snake without buying everything it may need, I will never know.) I have no way to keep track of the cage temperature, let alone a real heat source. I put a clip light with a 35w bulb a few inches above its cage so it'll hopefully stay warm enough. Our house is at about 75 degrees right now. Do you think that'll keep the snake warm enough until we go out and buy an aquarium or more suitable cage for it? Should I turn off the light at night?

Any help any of you can give is most appreciated. :/

10-03-04, 07:22 PM
Wow. Ok. Lets see.

First of all, congrats on a new BP, normally its best to get the stuff before the animal itself, but thats moot now, so..

Look in the Python Regius Forum, which is the Ball python forum. One of the first few Posts is an FAQ sheet that will explain what a ball python needs in its enclosure. You can jump to that thread using this link:


You need to keep your snake warm tonight, and I am assuming you are getting a heat source, hides, and anything else you may need first thing tomorrow, if for whatever reason its going to take longer than that, I would take him back to the place you purchased him and ask them to keep him on hold for you in the store until you are able to get what you need. I would leave the light on for tonight to make sure he doesnt get too cold, but I doubt that is keeping him warm enough. 75 is about as cool as you ever want a BP to get. Read up on their needs in the BP forum, and post any specific questions about their care you may have in there.

Other than a light bulb, if you have a heating pad you can set on low and put UNDER the current enclosure, that might be better. If you have a normal people thermometer you can check the temp by putting it between the bottom and the heating pad to make sure its not too hot. Temps and things are explained in the link, and that forum in general is all about BPs :)

Hope this helps-


10-03-04, 08:45 PM
Artemis hit the nail DEAD on the head with that wonderful post, but I would also like to add, that I'm pleased you are taking proper precautions and you're not as irresponsible as your Dad. Shame on him.

10-04-04, 12:25 PM
Thank you very much for replying. Your information has come in very useful. :)

I put a heating pad under his cage and left the light on all evening. I hope to drag my dad out of the house this evening after school to get a better home for the snake (who we've decided to name Gimli) and to get him the rest of the supplies he needs. So far Gimli's just curled up in his box over the heating pad.

Once again, thank you muchly :D

10-08-04, 08:01 AM
Congrats on the new snake, glad to see that you are concerned about getting proper conditions for him. Good luck!