View Full Version : sad update on my escaped cal king

10-02-04, 11:08 AM
Its been a while since I last posted..I was having computer difficulties....but here is an update on my escaped king snake...

The panic subsided in my appartment block...one person moved out of the block when she found out I have snakes. My appartment block is on the corner of two streets...there are two houses on either side of my block that are managed by the same caretaker as my block...this is how I found out what happened.

My little escape artist travelled all the way down three floors, outside my block and into one of the houses where she was found sitting on someone's bed. The person remained calm enough to capture her and drive her to assiniboine park (the biggest park in Winnipeg) and release her. I don't know what possessed him to do that but it was done and so now I don't think she is alive anymore because we have had a lot of cold weather since this was done. I put a call into the Winnipeg Humane Society but my hopes are not very high that I will ever see her again....

thanks for reading

Kevin McRae
10-02-04, 11:23 AM
Well, she could of done worse things to the poor snake, she though they lived out here naturally and she let it go, I wouldn't be mad at her.

Maybe she could of brought it to the humane society but she though it lived out here naturally.

I was at the Zoo on the weekend, if I knew she was missing I would of check out the surrounding park, maybe a chance of finding her.

I hope you take a drive down there and maybe find her.

10-02-04, 01:55 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Yness :( Poor little thing...


10-03-04, 12:32 AM
Poor Lizzy. :(

10-03-04, 01:50 AM
Aw. I'm sorry to hear that. At least it's a small comfort to know that there are people with enough sense in the world, who can remain calm enough to capture a snake that enters their home and do something with it other than kill it...

Perhaps you might get lucky though, and maybe she'll turn up at the zoo? Or maybe someone will see her and pick her up to take home because she's an unusual color to have in the wild up here in Winnipeg... You never know... But again, I'm sorry for your loss and I hope the best for the little gal, wherever she is.