View Full Version : speaking of Fat Tails.........*pics*

10-02-04, 05:59 AM
<img src="http://www.niagarareptiles.com/temp/batman_092504-1.jpg">
Anyone following our projects knows who this guy is.........We hope to prove this line of Broken Pattern (aka-Jungle) to be inheritable this coming season.

<img src="http://www.niagarareptiles.com/temp/052504-01-02_092504-1.jpg">
A nice little pair produced this year. I like watching clutchmates grow and mature just to see how similar/different they become.

<img src="http://www.niagarareptiles.com/temp/sft_092504-1.jpg">
Though we did hatch a few Stripes this year, this little girl was not one of them. She is from High Quality Reptiles. A welcomed addition to our gene pool ;)

<img src="http://www.niagarareptiles.com/temp/500903-04_092504-1.jpg">
Though we had horrible odds producing males this year, this little guy is one of the two Amel males to hatch here in 2004. He is a half brother to the Broken Pattern male pictured above in this thread.

<img src="http://www.niagarareptiles.com/temp/tangamelandhet_092504-1.jpg">
What can I say about these ones but "wow". And yes, this picture does accurately represent the intensity of this Amel. That's why I took the pic with another normal coloured Fat Tail with her as she just looks unreal.

<img src="http://www.niagarareptiles.com/temp/140204-01_092504-1.jpg">
This little one is a miracle and a surprise all in one. She is the result of a premature hatch and weighed so little, she wouldn't register on my scale (around or less than 0.5 g). At over four months old now, she is finally up to 8 grams and has been showing this weird orange striped pattern for some time now. Often premature hatchlings develop colours as they grow and can be a little later showing more "normal" colouration. This one is well beyond that stage. I'm not sure what to make of it yet, but I hope it carries on to her adult colours. I really like this little one :)

That's all for now, thanks for looking and best wishes to everyone in the up coming season!


10-02-04, 06:03 AM
Awesome! Thanks for sharing the pics. I really like the ones with broken patterns.

10-02-04, 08:04 AM
First of all, I've got to request you don't post pictures of your broken pattern (I call him Birchbark :) ) without some warning in the title. I was drinking my morning coffee when I saw him, and the drooling ruined the cup of java for me. That wasn't nice of you, Jon. ;) If you post pictures of your kittens next, I'll be really miffed at you.

If your preemie keeps that colour, she'll be a very impressive gecko. I wonder what the odds are that she can pass that on to her kids?

From the looks of it, the broken pattern might be genetic if his half brother is any indication. You can see he's got at least some of whatever influenced his sibling's pattern.

Next year should be full of surprises for you, I can't wait to see what you'll be hatching out.

Painted Desert
10-02-04, 09:01 AM
Great pics, Jon.... still need to swap a male with you!:D I'm looking at that preemie with the "stripe".... i've seen that in my collection as well, but not to that degree... I'm thinking that the orange "stripe" in that preemie is actually of normal coloration... what makes it so different and pronounced is the hypopigmentation of the side bands..... nice work!

Kevin McRae
10-02-04, 09:51 AM
I want a female to go along with my males but they are so hard to find.

My local Pet Store sells them for 69.00$ each but there always males.

Nice geckos:)Love the brocken patterns:)

Tim and Julie B
10-02-04, 03:31 PM
WOW WOW WOW !!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to see some "jungle" patterns finally showing themselves in these wonderful geckos. Hopefully it proves out to be genetic. Looking at the brother pair, it seems it will:D Congrats Jon, that's quite impressive. Also, what an amazing little amel:D I think that little premie will surely awe you as she gets even bigger, as I can't see it being anything other than pure color from this point on. Especially at her age. Hope to see more pics of her, and the others, at a later date! Again, way to go.


10-03-04, 12:27 AM
Wow! What beautiful animals! I love the last little one! He is sooo cute!

10-03-04, 10:30 AM
Nice animals Jon!!

10-03-04, 02:01 PM
Great looking group you got there...

Can't wait to get a few more :)
Looking forward to some possible "trades" next season. :D :cool:

10-05-04, 05:53 AM
Hilde - I could post more pictures if you like ;) The kittens are in their "terrible two's", so if you're interested come and get 'em........hahaha

Linda - If I can produce males with any accuracy, I'm open to a trade :) I can't seem to get the whole temp sexing thing to work over here.........

It looks like I'll have a few fun projects on the go this year, so I may have some more interesting pictures to share in the next few months ;)

Thanks for the kind words everyone.
