View Full Version : Incubation....

Kevin McRae
10-01-04, 06:30 PM
As some of you may know my gecko is gravid:), and we will be using a poultry incubator to incubate them, we will place the eggs in a small container with a lid, and with a few pinholes of course.

My question is how high should the humidity be inside the small deli cup?

Another question, how many days should it take the eggs to hatch if incubated at a temperature of 85-87 F?


Tim and Julie B
10-01-04, 10:37 PM
Hey there:D. My mix is to fill a deli cup 1/3 full of vermiculite and add 3 tbsp of warm water. I prepare about 10 of these ahead of time and keep them in an incubator. As soon as I have used 8 I prepare 10 more, and so on. I find it best to poke holes on the side of the deli cups, because condensation builds up faster on lids if they have holes in them. I would have to say that if you incubate at those temps you should have baby geckos in about 50 days. Good luck!


Kevin McRae
10-01-04, 10:40 PM