View Full Version : Corn snake question

09-30-04, 03:32 PM
My little brother wants a snake so i am looking to get him something that won't get too big. Do corns make good pets or are they snappy. I keep boas and pythons so idk much about corns. I have been lookin at a really nice snow corn at my local pet store. So i was just wonderin if i should get it for him or not. Any imput would be much appreciated.

09-30-04, 03:57 PM
Corns are the #1 most recommended starter snake, with good reason. Although babies can be a little defensive, 99.999% of all corns mellow out very quickly with gentle handling and patience. They are also the most hardy snakes out there, and can survive in almost any type of climate, thus they are very forgiving of husbandry mistakes. They stay a totally manageable size (4.5' on average), and are usually worry-free when it comes to feeding. Corns are an excellent choice for your little brother.

09-30-04, 04:03 PM
What Ken said and more!! Corns are fantastic snakes - really, really nice and easy to live with.

Only major difference you will find from the boas and pythons is that they have a slightly more active metabolism - translates into more poo, more often! Fecal matter is wetter, more abundant and at least once a week. Not an issue when they are babies, but it does mean frequent poo pick up and slightly more risk of them letting go when they are being held. One more reason not to wrap them around your neck or let them crawl on your head - something kids tend to be tempted to do!

Overall, corns are fantastic,

mary v.

09-30-04, 08:44 PM
Well, my brother got his snake. I believe it is a Blizzard corn. He is completely white with no pattern. From what i have read snow corns have yellow on them, but if they have no yellow they are called Blizzard. He seems like a great snake i held him for a while at the store before i bought him and he seemed to have a great temperment. I will post pics ASAP.

Kevin McRae
10-02-04, 11:12 AM
Awesome, what type of set-up are you using?

10-07-04, 09:25 PM
right now he is really small. He is in a ten gallon, but as he grows i am going put him in a 30 gal.

10-07-04, 09:40 PM
If he is a hatchling, that would be why he has no yellow on him. The yellows don't develop until they are a little older.

10-13-04, 06:41 AM
Awesome! I have a female green-blotched snow corn...she was my very first snake...and though a little ditzy when I first got her she trusts me completely from saving her a few times (I got her a hide with holes and she thought she could crawl through it backwards). All of the cornsnakes I own have never been snappy. They are awesome and gorgeous.....and weirdly enough now I have 4!! Her, a ghost corn, okeetee, and a butter cornsnake. THEY ARE AWESOME AND TOTALLY HAVE GREAT PERSONALITIES!!