View Full Version : Blue & Purple beardies? (shedding?)

09-30-04, 09:21 AM
Has anyone seen any blue/purple colored dragons?

I was bored a few days ago so I got a bearded dragon book at superpet (the bearded dragon manual). Pretty good book, if you can find it look on page 72, top left. There's a picture of a blue and purple dragon -- weird!

The picture talks about shedding, would it be possible that the layer of shedding skin makes the colors look altered? I'll try to scan the picture if I manage to reformat my computer..

10-02-04, 10:32 AM
Thats definately a beardie getting ready to shed. If you look at the tail and the legs you can see that they're diferent colours and the rest of him has that opaque look. Happens to mine too. They almost never shed their whole body at one time.


10-02-04, 11:24 AM
Yup. Thats a dragon in shed, However a blue dragon blood line would be awesome :D