View Full Version : Please Help... I need to buy an Azureus dart

09-28-04, 10:26 AM
I am in desperate need of an Azureus dart frog. I prefer to buy an adult female but would consider the purchase of several juveniles in an attempt to obtain a female.
I had an adult breeding pair until I recently lost my female. She sustained a very minor injury to one of her back legs and apparently her immune system was not strong enough to ward off the infection. Long story short... the small problem turned into a big one and I was ultimately forced to euthanize her. Frankly, it was a horrible situation. Although it was the only choice I had left and the humane thing to do I am worried about the stress effects on my male who is now left alone in the tank. If you have one (or more) that you would like to sale or get rid of please e-mail me at kpd151@msn.com


Double J
09-28-04, 01:10 PM
Are you asking if the male will get stressed from loneliness? I assure you that the male will suffer no ill consequences from being by himself... he probably no longer remembers the female anymore as it is. I wouldn't worry about him being alone for the time being. But, I understand how much it sucks to lose a frog.
Keep in mind, that if you buy a froglet, that you will have to raise it up to sufficient size before you can put it ith the adult male.
Where are you located? Are you in Canada? If you are, contact Mark Pepper at www.understoryenterprises.com Mark is the number one dart frog guy in the country.
Good luck.
Double J