View Full Version : truck or tractor pulling

09-27-04, 10:36 PM

just wondering if anyone here truck or tractor pulls this is a pic of a tractor i work with it is a farmall 460 prostock tractor just wondering what yous all pulls if yous do plus just got this camera and had to show a few pics off

09-27-04, 10:37 PM
wow is that ever small sure can tell i dont have a clue as to what i am doing

09-27-04, 11:00 PM
i thought they only did this in the southern united states

09-27-04, 11:31 PM
I fixed your picture for you, instead of getting the URL from the thumbnail in your gallery, click the thumbnail to make it larger and get the URL from the larger picture.

09-28-04, 10:07 AM
cool thanks chappy

no they have different pulls in ontario too